Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 206 - Natural Emotions in An Unnatural Place

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 90
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Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859       www.abidinglife.com

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”Why a blog?  So that many can receive the weekly thoughts I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.  In the event you sign up to receive the weekly emails (see info at bottom) and then sometime in the future stop getting the emails, please remember you can go to the BLOGSITE and read each posting each week.  Then let me know (my email address below), and I will work to correct the problem.

Emotions are a dramatic part of our everyday life.  What we know about our emotions, how we handle their response to life’s situations, and whether we are aware that God wants to heal damaged emotions, constitute a major portion of the reasons so many are living a life controlled by emotions brought on by past events rather than Truth (Christ).

Michael gives us a clear picture of the difference the decisions we make at life’s “Y’s” can make in our lives…sometimes yielding seemingly impossible situations.  What about Truth, though?  “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37).

DAY 206

Natural Emotions in An Unnatural Place

For the sorrow that is according to {the will} {of} God produces a repentance without regret, {leading} to salvation; but the sorrow of the world produces death. –II Corinthians 7:10

There are many Y’s in the road of life. Many have gone right instead of left, heading down a path from which return is difficult. It is no secret that the Church today finds itself coping with a subculture in which extramarital affairs are commonly occurring. How does this happen? There are the simple, obvious root problems and solutions: “The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life.” Many are looking for spiritual needs (love, acceptance, assurance, security, and significance) in the wrong places. Having experienced rejection from self and others, they look to another person to love or validate them. An easy solution is repentance and a turning to the One who does love them. Then there are those who are just plain stupid. I remember a traveling salesman telling me that he hated staying at a particular hotel. “There are many single women there, and I always end up having an affair!” The obvious solution, which apparently had escaped him, was not to go to that hotel! These are the easier problems concerning affairs, when at the root there is very little emotional attachment.

However, when there is emotional attachment, the problems escalate. It deserves repeating that there is a Way and a not the Way. Jesus is the Way, and every other way is not the Way. The world's way of premarital sex and cohabitation is not the Way, and it is a road from which it is difficult to return. In one survey (not that I trust surveys) 40% of all affairs took place with a previous boyfriend or girlfriend. Obviously there was an emotional attachment from the past that was never broken. I am vexed by every young woman who, having been convinced that she would marry a fellow, goes to bed with him, and months later she goes to school to find the boyfriend no longer talking to her and dating someone else. The girl has been living in an unnatural situation where emotions were expended at a level of marriage, but life did not make a return on the investment. For the girl it is the turmoil akin to divorce, but for the boy, a mere switch of dating partners. Some situations are better left avoided, but many have been told the perfect Way to live, and if they fall short they cannot see any other avenue. 

Often I am asked, “Is it possible to fall in love with two people?” My answer is, “Of course it is. That is why I stopped dating once I got married!” It is not difficult to have emotions for someone other than the mate. Often I draw a circle and call it “natural situation.” Within the circle I draw another circle and call it “natural emotions,” wherein one would list feelings of love and affection for the spouse. Both the emotions and the situation are legitimate. Next I draw another circle called “unnatural situation,” and within that circle I draw the same little circle called “natural emotion.” Here is where I find many who are having an affair. They have all the natural emotions that come from dating and spending time with another, and yet they are in an unnatural situation with someone other than their spouse. Being in such a situation brings no peace and is exactly why I say that we are to stop dating once we are married. What is the solution to withdrawing from an unnatural situation? It is difficult, for even though many actually hate where they are at, they cannot deny the feelings that they have for another. To simply kill the emotions does not work and will only produce another unhealthy situation. This is because it is unnatural to attempt to eradicate natural emotion, which cannot be eliminated cafeteria-style, exterminating a little here and a little there. The person would be left with dead emotions in the natural situation of the marriage; he would no longer feel for anyone.

The reader may be asking, “What is Mike talking about? It is silly to speak of married people having feelings for someone other than their mate or married people returning to their mates and still struggling with emotions for another! If I were the mate in that situation, I would just say, 'Get a life, and when you decide you can love only me, then and only then return!'” I know what you are thinking and understand why you are saying it. However, these are real situations that I have had to deal with regularly in believers' lives. If the article does not apply to you, praise God and move on.

For those who find themselves wanting to follow God and yet being pulled by emotion, what are you to do? Confess the Way! Jesus is the Way, and every other way is not the Way. Invite Christ into the center of the situation. Tell Him exactly where you are at and do not hide a thing, for “power is perfected in weakness.”

Just as an aside, I visited with a believer who was settled on having an affair. After years of rejection this believer had found someone who “truly loved” him. I knew no matter what I said he would go ahead with his plan. Emotions were ruling. After making my case for the Way, I said, “I know you are going ahead with the affair. Would you do something for me? Every time you leave the house, invite Jesus to go along with you. Invite Him into the center of your affair!” The person looked quite shocked, but I pleaded, “Please, invite Jesus to go along with you. Just pray, 'Jesus, come and go with me.'” The person agreed. Nearly one year later I saw him again, and he said, “Mike, I did what you asked. I invited Jesus to go with me always. I have broken off the relationship I thought I could never end. I have broken it off not because I stopped loving the person, but because Jesus always went with me and allowed me to move against the emotions.” See how Jesus brings everything into its natural place? I do not want to cheapen someone’s emotions, which in themselves are not bad, but the place where they are being exercised can be very bad. If you find yourself in an emotional affair, confess it truly, hide nothing, hold nothing back, tell the Lord, and invite Him into the center of it. He is the only one Who can move you back to a place of peace (natural emotion in a natural place). Leave the place of the unnatural by beginning to invite Him in. We have a God, He is real, and He will make a difference. 

One more thing about affairs is that they need not wreck and destroy the oneness of a couple any more so than does rape. Soulish love, mental oneness, emotional oneness, and even physical oneness do not compare with spiritual oneness. A husband and wife are one in Him, and nothing will change that. Forget what is behind, build on your spiritual oneness, and move on. Do not let a momentary event steal a lifetime of experienced oneness in the Spirit.

Many have gone down a road they should not have. Then comes the thinking that if only they could go back in time, they would do something different. Reality is that once they were back in time, they would be the same persons they were at that time, making the same mistakes. All this is true, but not the truth. We must end this article at truth, and truth is Jesus. Do you believe in Jesus? If so, you will answer the following in the affirmative. Do you believe that God causes all things to work together for good? Yes, all things, even the stupid mistakes that you have made. Do you believe it? I do, and I know we can all press on to the high call in Christ Jesus.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Michael gives us such a beautiful truth when he says, “…there is a Way and a not the Way.  Jesus is the Way, and every other way is not the Way.”  But it is very important for us to be aware: “when there is emotional attachment, the problems escalate.”  This is where the enemy gets his hooks into many Christians, and many go un-helped in getting free.

I have highlighted several words, phrases, and sentences in this day’s writing that are important points worth our serious study.  But there is nothing like the Truth Michael presents to close out the writing.  Jesus is always the Answer…and everything else is not the Answer.

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www.leemccm.blogspot.com 

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NOTICE: a new blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto www.leemcchristianministries.blogspot.com

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                        936-559-5696

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