Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 201 - Malfunction

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 86
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

It seems like I am constantly saying, “It’s the fundamentals (building blocks) that are so critical, yet it is the fundamentals (building blocks) that seem so lacking in the lives of so many Christians.”  And therefore, life for them is like the house built on the sand that falls badly.  In one of the simplest, but yet so critical writings in Michael’s book, this day’s examination of John 3:6-7 is profound.  See if you “own” the fundamental truths from this lesson…

DAY 201


Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying you must be born again. --John 3:6, 7

There was something inherently wrong with man from the start. Man could not, as he was created, provide God with what He wanted, which was someone to love, someone with whom to fellowship, and someone that understood His heart. Man was created with a weak spirit that could either be drawn to heaven or attracted to things of the world. The lusts of the fleshly soul looked to everything outside the spirit for fulfillment; in short, it was fed by the world. Man lived in the fantasy that fulfillment and happiness could come through the world's events and offerings.

Upon receiving a new born-again spirit, the Spirit overcame the outer life’s appeal, and man could now begin to be filled within and be freed from what the world offers. "Out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water.” At this point man had something much more significant in common with God than with the world, and the reality of the things of God could be sought by man. There was now fellowship on a much deeper level as what it meant to be made in the image of God became revealed. Life was no longer found in the fantasy but in the reality of giving, serving, loving, forgiving, and redeeming; for now he was content to die an unknown, die abused, die without money, die losing, and die totally free.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Michael uses a succinct title…”malfunction”…to set the stage for writing about the devastation of:
1.     A person who hasn’t been Born Again and received the Spirit of Christ.
2.    A Christian who hasn’t learned or grasped the fundamental truths (building blocks) that are a part of life as a Christian that provide the Life to be lived that overcomes all the world throws at us.
Both are a malfunction of God’s intended life for mankind.

A person without Christ is simply flesh.  A Christian has the new born-again Spirit, Christ’s Spirit.  And “rivers of living water,” Christ’s life, can flow out of the Christian who is aware of His Life within and will allow Him to “be” what the flesh can never be.

And one of the most important aspects of enjoying Christ’s life is to know that through Him we can understand God’s heart (what the NT calls His “will”).  The very meaning of the Greek word behind “will” describes God’s heart on a matter.  It is not a mandated work or a perfect plan, but a foundational heart-issue with God.  And, listen, not only to know God’s heart, but to experience in life His heart flowing through our life.  Don’t I remember Michael saying something about “rising and falling with our definitions”???

Michael has written a spectacular piece showing what is wrong with man (all mankind…none escapes this) from the start (birth), and the only way man has hope of overcoming and being freed from what the world offers.  Well, amen & amen!

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Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

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