Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Day 305 - Twenty-Something, Bored and Scared

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength (Vol. 1) - # 310
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(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”.  Why a blog?  So that many can receive these thoughts in an easy manner.  If you are not getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in the top right corner there is a place to register to receive each post.

Many of Michael’s writings are more general in nature…they cover life from a broad perspective and not narrowed down to a specific time in a person’s life.  This one is different.  Aimed at those in the “twenty-something” age group.  Therefore, Michael gives us some important particulars for younger people to consider.

However, as Michael points out, those who live long enough will face the inevitable challenges of older age.  Look closely at what he points out will carry anyone through from their twenties to the end.

DAY 305

Twenty-Something, Bored and Scared

Then the men became extremely frightened and they said to him, “How could you do this?” For the men knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the LORD, because he had told them. --Jonah 1:10

A large segment of the twenty-something crowd feels both bored and scared about the future, with fear of working a dead-end job, doing the eight-to-five routine, preparing for retirement, and finally ending up sipping liquefied Jello from a straw in a nursing home. They shrink from commitment. Many have come from broken homes and from the time of their youth experienced the fear that comes from believing that a family breakup is imminent. The knot in the stomach from hearing the fighting, seeing the drinking, and hearing the accusations made them miserable. We cannot blame them; they have witnessed firsthand marriage as something to be avoided. Fear has created an unbelievably aloof and boring generation with their attempt to live life and yet avoid life by engaging in the same old safe things: reliable relationships, secure jobs, lack of risk, and avoidance of pain. Yet all the while they feel more and more bored and self-centered. 

There is hope for those in this generation, for there is nothing that the nearness of Jesus will not cure, no, not one thing. The normal progression of life cannot be avoided without a person’s imploding. Man is meant to grow up, leave home, become self-sufficient, work a job, get married, have kids, become too old to work, and yes, one day die. It is the normal way of things. It is not boring, but it is only truly exciting if a normal life is lived with Jesus. Do not think that Jesus, God Himself, was bored helping to raise his brothers and sisters, taking care of his mother, living in a small village, and making furniture. We see in Him that the normal progression of life coupled with the progression of walking with the Father blended perfectly together, making it all exciting. My own life has been anything but boring, and I really thank God for everything that comes with, and everything He accomplished in me through, “normal life.” I have never been bored. In every situation it is exciting to see what the Lord is going to do. Jumping into the middle of normal life with Jesus grants the discovery of a great adventure!

Again, why does the twenty-something crowd feel lost? They are avoiding the normal progression of things out of fear. They have seen the worst end result of marriage and children and are avoiding it. Therefore, they are moved to act like adolescents well into their late twenties.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

The story of Jonah has always been a very intriguing account to me.  The thoughts and actions of the sailors Jonah was with, who clearly were not that “connected” to God, give indication that even “outsiders” recognize the power of God.  They were upset simply because they “knew” what Jonah was up to and how that impacted them.  Interesting.  I’ve known long-time Christians who didn’t acknowledge God’s power in some of the most evident situations of a disobedient or disconnected brother or sister in Christ.

For someone like me, in my early 70’s and who did not KNOW Christ until my mid-30’s, I feel sad that the “twenty-somethings” of today are as “bored and scared” as they are.  That reveals how far our society has turned from God and the results of life in a culture mostly without God.  Life in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s was not “scary,” even for an Unbeliever. 

“Bored, scared, shrinking from commitment, attempting to live life and yet avoiding life, self-centered”…the picture of emptiness and exhaustion of life without Christ.  BUT (I call this a HOLY “but”), enter Christ and HOPE becomes reality.

Look again at the Life-giving recollection Michael brings us: There is hope for those in this generation, for there is nothing that the nearness of Jesus will not cure, no, not one thing…The normal progression of life cannot be avoided…It is not boring, but it is only truly exciting if a normal life is lived with Jesus…in Him that the normal progression of life coupled with the progression of walking with the Father blended perfectly together, making it all exciting…In every situation it is exciting to see what the Lord is going to do. Jumping into the middle of normal life with Jesus grants the discovery of a great adventure!

Well, amen!

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www 

NOTICE: another blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

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