Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 224 - Pride

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 39

Michael’s book is available through: 

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Golly, just looked down my list of “days” I have commented on in this blog…noticed I hadn’t done any yet on “pride.”  Then it dawned on me…maybe I don’t want to look at that subject anymore than most would!  However…it is one of the most “marked on,” “notes in margin,” and “underlined” days in my copy of Mike’s book!!!  Well, amen.

DAY 224


Pride {goes} before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. --Proverbs 16:18

Pride, like Satan himself, is the master of disguise. We see the overtly proud person whose acts are so obvious in his haughty attitude as he thinks himself better, looks down on the afflicted, and expects to reign. We see him and find him disturbing because he amplifies what is hidden in us, though we think, “What a jerk! If only he could get a good look at himself from the outside!” However, he is blind and proud of his nakedness. What I want to talk about is disguised pride, something much more insidious. 

Did you know that depression is usually disguised pride that occurs as a person reacts to the blow of the realization that he cannot be perfect, control himself and others, or do any manner of a good job of imitating God? Self-hatred is pride, for how can one hate self unless he has fallen from the lofty image he had of his own flesh? Self-deprecation can be pride. “Oh, I cannot do that; I am too stupid and have never succeeded in anything. No one likes me. God could never use me.” Just how much time does the self-deprecating person spend thinking about himself? Victimization is pride. “Oh, let me tell you what they said to me. How could anyone say that? How could anyone be so unkind?” “I got cheated; the family took my money. Do you think I deserve to be treated that way?” Being offended is pride. “How dare you say that to me!” Self-defense is pride. Does one really think that his flesh is so wonderful that it needs defending? Then there is inferiority, and that is definitely pride. The inferior have spent so much time looking for good in themselves that eventually they find the bad; if they know good, they will know evil. Jealousy, hating one’s unrighteousness, obsession on failure and rejection, the feeling that one does not deserve anything, expecting the worst, being negative, all are pride. See how it is the master of disguise?

OUCH!  That hurt, didn’t it?  Well….amen. 

A great thing about this writing is that probably for the first time we see the actual reality that these things ARE pride.  With that identification, then we can decide whether we will do something about all that pride that is leading to much destruction in our lives.

SO…what do we do.  Thelo.  Greek word for “to will…not only willing something, but also pressing on to action…to have a mind to.”  We must acknowledge that God has told us that all this (things Michael mentions) as “pride” comes before our destruction/damage/injury/stumbling.  Rip off the disguise, get up and get moving in Christ.  “Lord Jesus, come and be my love.  Come and be my acceptance and contentment.  Come and be my worthiness.  Come and work all things together for our benefit.  Amen & Amen!

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                       936-559-5696

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