Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 312 - Walk In The Truth

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 18

Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

In one of the simplest verses to read and understand on the surface, so many miss God completely when it comes to living it.  And their failure to live it results in most of the consequences they suffer for years and years.  Read the words slowly, stop and think how easy life as a Christian really is based on The Truth in this one verse, and face up to how your life stacks up against The Truth.  And notice how Michael shows us “the key” to living it…

DAY 312

Walk In The Truth

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, {so} walk in Him. --Colossians 2:6

“Abiding in Christ really sounds great; however, it just does not work for me.” I have heard that assessment countless times. My response is, “You mean that making Christ your focus has not helped at all?” Reply, “No, it helped for a few days, maybe a few weeks. It just did not go on working.” Herein lies a problem with such rationale: If truth can set anyone free for five minutes, then it can set him free for a lifetime. Truth is absolute and therefore cannot go off and on like a light switch. Unfortunately, many think of truth as a pill that when taken once allows them to sit back and enjoy its benefits for a lifetime. This is a faulty concept, because truth does not envelop the believers and then move them along. Truth is something to be walked in as faith works alongside to bring experience. Faith allows us to receive the truth and walk in it. Those who tell me that focusing on Christ does not work are never focusing on Christ while they make the statement. To know the power of truth one must walk in it, and I have never had anyone that was abiding in Christ tell me that it did not work.    

When we decide not to walk in truth we rebel, and the one thing that will most facilitate rebellion and render us the least uncomfortable during the process is anger. The progression is 1) rebel, 2) develop anger, and 3) justify the anger. Therefore, we begin to make a list of why we should be angry with the kids, the mate, the lack of a mate, the job, the depression, our past, relationships, finances, and on and on. The unfortunate person on the list to justify another’s anger is left feeling that if he had not done or said certain things, the other one would not have had to rebel. Consequently, that person gets busy changing things in order to bring relief to the rebellious. It becomes his responsibility—rather than the rebel’s own--to bring the rebel out of the flesh. However, we cannot rebel and blame anyone but ourselves; it was our choice not to walk in the Spirit; no one pushed us out, NO ONE! We use others’ behavior as excuses not to walk in truth, and then we even blame the weakness of the truth for not being able to carry us along.

Believer, YOU CHOOSE! Your will is not broken. Today walk in the truth of loving an enemy, a mate, a friend, refuse all self-centered thoughts, and you will find the truth in power. John 15 is truth; it works; walk in it and it will once again prove its power to you to the point that you will shout, “It works!” Do not try to fix your present state with a complicated list of all that must change before you can walk in the truth. Truth is absolute; it does not need anything to be different to display its power.

How much “easier” could it get?  Take something we have already done (“as you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord”) and do it again, and again, and again (“so walk in Him”).  That’s God’s simple instructions (the proverbial “formula” or “secret” to life as a Christian.  That isn’t difficult, is it?  Then why is it that so many Christians don’t even come close to doing that?

Aha, Michael points it out: we decide not to walk in truth…or The Truth.  Pride, man wants to be God, whatever we want to call it…it is simply a choice to not walk in truth.

One other thing so simple:  “If truth can set anyone free for five minutes, then it can set him free for a lifetime.”  Live life 5 minutes at a time…that’s simple and easy, isn’t it?  Well, not when we don’t mind being rebellious!

Now there are many great life truths in this day’s discourse by Michael, and I felt like highlighting several other sentences.  You take the time to digest each and every sentence, letting the Holy Spirit prompt you to grab hold of truth, then choose to walk in it until it shows you its power!

Truth is:  for a Christian, it is more difficult to believe a lie and live in it, than to believe a truth and live in it…we have to choose to be something we are not.  Sadly, too many make those choices day after day after day.  Well, amen.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point               Red – GP, Greatest Promises

Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                      936-559-5696

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