Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Day 263 - The Consuming Fire

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength (Vol. 1) - # 290           
Michael’s book is available through:

Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”.  Why a blog?  So that many can receive these thoughts in an easy manner.  If you are not getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in the top right corner there is a place to register to receive each post.

Just recently Barbara and I burned some brush and limbs clearing our “wood piles” to that we can have room to pile some more as the trees drop more dead limbs.  It is a continuous process.  One thing very interesting, after burning several piles, the remains are just a relatively small pile of ashes.

And here Michael gives a description of what just took place.  Well, the weather has gotten quite warm here in East Texas.  Guess we will have to wait to analyze the “life exiting” part next Fall.  But, there is no life in the remaining pile!

DAY 263

The Consuming Fire

 Know therefore today that it is the LORD your God who is crossing over before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and He will subdue them before you, so that you may drive them out and destroy them quickly, just as the LORD has spoken to you. --Deuteronomy 9:3

A fire is so interesting; it sucks the life out of the object that it consumes, so it is only possible where there is some level of life. Fire is life exiting. Simply burn a log and watch energy and life departing from the wood. All that will be left after life exits is ash, a lifeless, dead thing. One day the earth will be destroyed by fire. It makes sense. Jesus, the Life that holds it together, will be withdrawn, fire will be the result, and the life will be returned to the Father. When Jesus exits, there is nothing left. He is the Divine Glue that holds all things together, but by fire the glue leaves. II Peter 3:7, “But the present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.” A great fire is coming to the earth, to things above the earth and those below. When Jesus, who is eternal, exits, a fire that is eternal will remain. There is a fire for those who have not believed. It is only extinguished by faith in Him. Belief is the only thing that can quench it. In the end, the unbelievers will get their wish. He will depart completely from them, and all that will be left is fire. 

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Well, it doesn’t take long to know that this is not one of the “happiest” writings in
My Weakness for His Strength.  At least not for Unbelievers.  Michael’s & Peter’s writings speak for themselves.

But, I got to thinking…just as Barbara and I are happy that even though “there’s nothing cold as ashes after the fire is gone,” what is left is useful in our garden.

I know we Believers will be gone when Jesus leaves earth and there’s nothing left but the fire.  I’ll be extremely happy I won’t see what is left behind.

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www 

NOTICE: another blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

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