on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 99
Michael’s book is
available through:
Abiding Life
Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
Notice: this email is part of a
BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”. Why a blog? So that many can receive the weekly thoughts
I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.
discusses what is one of the most misunderstood, or most “forgotten,” or most
“ignored” teachings in Scripture. And
the end result is too many Christians missing what is really going on in their
lives…leaving them without the knowledge to begin to deal with problems they
face each and every day.
DAY 98
Flesh Is Flesh
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which
is born of the Spirit is spirit. --John 3:6
You have flesh! The flesh, simply defined, is the
body, mind, will, and emotions of man under the control of something other than
Jesus. Believers
and unbelievers alike have flesh. Walking in the flesh is the opposite of abiding in Christ.
Have you seriously
considered that your flesh will never improve? It is an important point.
How can we expect the
flesh to be anything other than flesh? Flesh is flesh and can do nothing that is of the Spirit.
We have seen bad flesh and
are often on a continual quest to find good flesh in ourselves, our mates, our
church family, and our children.
Once I was visiting
with a couple about the husband’s affair. The wife, legitimately, was quite
hurt. But the longer she talked, the more something illegitimate came to the
forefront: flesh! This
woman wanted her husband to guarantee that his flesh would never again do such
a thing. How can he do that? He cannot, for that type of bad flesh does that
kind of thing. The
flesh's determining to do better will change nothing, for flesh does not
control flesh. It
is futile to find out what the flesh can do but worthwhile to discover and
admit what it cannot do. Good flesh cannot lead a godly life. I wanted the husband to recognize that he is weak and
that repeating the same mistake was completely possible. Then I wanted him to move into
Christ and discover that His power is manifested in the man’s weakness. Flesh is completely subjugated when
a believer is abiding. On the other hand, the wife wanted his flesh to
determine to live spiritually. She did not understand what I was saying, which
was understandable. She thought I was giving him an excuse. I was not. I just
wanted to get to the spider and stop sweeping cobwebs. She had found something good in her own
flesh--that she had never had an affair--and was clinging tenaciously to the
hope that good flesh could help her husband. “Because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward
God” (Romans 8:7). Why
do we always attempt to find good in our flesh? The best of flesh is the worst of it, for it keeps us
from humbly seeking Christ. She got the point and released her husband
to abide in Christ rather than promising to make bad flesh act nicely.
Finding something
good in the flesh is so vexing, consuming, and defeating. Why do we defend ourselves?
Because we are holding on to the belief that there is something good in our
flesh! Why can others control us by leaving us out? Because there is something
good in our flesh that deserves better treatment! Why do we react and not
respond to those around us? There is something good in our flesh that must be
respected! Agree with
God and admit that there is nothing good in your flesh, and then agree with
others. When told you are proud, say, “Yes, and you have not see the worst of
my flesh!” When told that you are stupid, worthless, inferior, and angry,
simply agree! Agree that in your flesh dwells no good thing.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Green
– IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink
– PV, Priceless Victory
Everything has a definition, because words have meaning. And it is very important to have lots of
words in our vocabulary…and to have the CORRECT meanings. Otherwise we cannot have the correct
understanding. This word “flesh” is one
of the most important for Christians to know and understand to get the truths
of the N.T. that speak to walking (living) in the “flesh” or in the “Spirit.” Because God makes it perfectly clear that
every moment we are either walking in the “flesh” or walking in the
“Spirit.” We need to get the CONTEXT of
the use of the word correct to understand the use and meaning (truth) to be
“sarx” – Greek word translated “flesh” almost 150 times in the N.T. It means either the “soft substance of the
living body of man” or “the body, mind, will, and emotions of man under the
control of something other than Jesus.”
If the Scripture is speaking to the latter, but one is using the
definition of the former, the understanding is distorted, disguised, or downright
incorrect…therefore misunderstood or not understood at all. This all seems so elementary, but with so
many living without any seeming comprehension of that which is contrary to
being under the control of Jesus the church finds itself facing all sorts of
dilemmas that shouldn’t exist at all.
Almost every sentence in this days’ writing of Michael’s is a lesson
unto itself. And there is no need to
list them again…use the highlighted sentences, perhaps, as a focal point of
what you need to learn and apply to your life first and foremost. But, whatever, let me encourage you to “get”
all these truths so you can begin to self-examine, self-discipline, and seek
the Lord for a change from “feeding” that which is contrary to Jesus’ control.
By the way, how many Christians do you know who live trying to get flesh
to control flesh???
To access ALL past weekly
blogs, go to Living
Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches, Tx 75963 936-559-5696
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