Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 22 - Bearing Fruit

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM

Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 13


Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International

Littleton, Colorado

(303) 972-0859

Bearing fruit…what IS the fruit that Christians ARE to bear?  Michael, in Day 22, gives us a beautiful picture of why so many Christians are confused about this important teaching.  Looking at this wrong leads many to make inaccurate decisions about themselves, and about other folks.  Sad.

Day 22

Bearing Fruit

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither {can} you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing . . . By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and {so} prove to be My disciples. --John 15:4-5, 8

The believer can choose between two pairs of eyeglasses through which to read the Bible. The first pair will transpose and distort everything into a list of what the believer must do to be acceptable to God. The second pair, clear and accurate, reveals to the believer all that God has done. During my devotional time in the early years of my Christian walk, I wore the first pair of glasses exclusively. Passages on the topic of fruit-bearing always discouraged me. After all, I needed to bear fruit, for if I did not, I would be cut off. I needed to bear fruit to prove that I was a Christian, and this fruit had to involve effort, frustration, and rejection.

What changed? I switched glasses and began to see things as they really are in proper order. All the numbers we use--phone, social security, bank account--have to be used in the order in which they were given. Mix up any group of numbers and render them no longer useful for calling home, collecting a check, or making a deposit. There is an order to be respected. When we look at the list of things a believer is to do, we must make special effort to keep them in God’s order, for in that way we will find fruit-making a very pleasurable experience. 

The beginning in God’s order is abiding! How do we abide? He has put us in Him, He holds us in Him, and it is His life flowing though us. The emphasis is not on us but on Him, for He has done it all. Only believe it, confess it, and acknowledge it. Once our focus is on Him, His life flows, we bear fruit--the end result of the proper order--and the Father is glorified. It is His doing. If we will agree with Jesus that we are abiding, fruit will come and He will be glorified. He gets the glory and is the glory because He does the work.

Two of the most frustrating things pastors deal with all the time is someone saying: (1) “I thought they got saved, but they still are…” (referring to some sin, but of course it is a sin that the one speaking is not doing), and (2) “They must not be a Christian…there’s just no fruit in their life to prove that they are.” (referring to “some kind of fruit,” never specifically identifying “what” fruit it is, or if they do specify, it is something the “judger” is “bearing,” even though there is a bunch of “fruit” the judger doesn’t “bear” in their life).  Either way, the end result of both of these erroneous assumptions is a misjudgment of the one judged.

As Michael so simply shows, the “pair of glasses” we wear determines whether we are looking through “man’s eyes,” or “God’s eyes.”  Sticking with the foundational truths keep us looking through “God’s eyes” instead of the “old eyes” we were first born with.  And only those Born Again have that second pair of eyes.  Important.

An intensive study of this magnificent privilege of being a “branch” abiding in the “Vine,” with all the “work” to produce “fruit” being done by the “Vine” (Christ) with the Father being glorified takes all the responsibility off of the “branches.”  Well, amen!

Furthermore, a word search & study of “fruit” in Scripture doesn’t result in finding any of the items the “judgers” list.  How interesting!  Get a concordance and go look at God’s list of “fruit” in Scripture!

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point               Red – GP, Greatest Promises

Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                       936-559-5696

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