Lee McDowell Christian Ministries LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas Gal. 2:20 KJV
Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 11
Michael’s book is available through:
Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859 almi@abidinglife.com
Addressing one of the most incredible, and most “misunderstood,” truths in life and Christianity, Michael gives some insights that will change the minds of many who read this…
Day 315
We Must All Die; How We Die Is Not the Issue
Thou dost hide Thy face, they are dismayed; Thou dost take away their spirit, they expire, and return to their dust. --Psalm 104:29
In today’s interaction among Christians, so much is said about faith, health, and God’s provision, and so little is said about death. If what we hear were true, which is that we possess assurance of health when faith is present, then man would not die. Man must die, just as every creature must die (Ecclesiastes 3:20), and all go to the same place, for they came from the dust and return to the dust. Earth, though, is not the final destination. As it fits the purposes of God in bringing the revelation of Christ in us, He does heal, provide, give materially, and even bring on emotional experiences. However, since at some point we must die, those are not one-sided absolutes, for if we are dying, does it not make sense that the scriptures relied upon by those proclaiming “health and wealth” would no longer be applicable in an absolute way? In Job 1:21 we read, “And he said, ‘Naked, I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.’” At the point of death, what good is a great wardrobe? All of us will exit the earth with nothing, so why have heaps of goods the day of death? If we must die, and God knows the exact number of our days, is it really an issue how death comes? For example, look at the thousands who die in persecution; God did not cause the deaths, wicked men did, and wicked men will be judged. However, He works things together for the good. Could it be that the day set for the death of a saint was absolute, yet God permitted the wicked man to be the instrument for the saint to exit, and the wicked man’s judgment to be full? This is merely food for thought, but I believe we make too much of the means of death. We must all exit. Amen! Some live their whole lives in bitterness because a drunk driver killed a loved one, and they perceive this as a life cut short. Was it? Or was God ready to receive the saint, His work in that one’s life complete, and the drunk was the permitted instrument? Our view of death does make a difference. Again, was it a life cut short or can we see that God, in Sovereignty, was using the evil of man as the tool for the death that must come to all men? I believe that there is provision in the years allotted to a man, and that God knows the day of his death. One man said this: “You are invincible until God is finished with you.”
(underlining is mine for emphasis)
In 30 years of ministry, this subject has more divided thoughts among the brethren than virtually every other “doctrine.” It is not uncommon to hear someone say to a person who “escaped” death: “God is not through with you yet.” Or, “You sure were lucky to miss that plane” (like when traffic or something else hindered someone from catching a flight that later crashed with all aboard dead). Very interesting point: “luck” is not found in any verse in the Bible. It is not in God’s vocabulary. Now listen…on the other hand, many are heard to say, “If I had just… I could have …” (any number of scenarios have been heard to describe someone commenting that “IF” would have changed whether someone died or not). What do you believe?
Now think about two scenarios all of us in America have faced: (1) the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the embassy in Libya. (2) the recent storm, Sandy, that rocked our country’s northeastern seaboard. WHAT ABOUT those who lost their lives in these and the many other events like them? Could their deaths have been prevented? EVERYONE has to decide, one way or the other.
Incredibly, emotions run extremely high when thinking about the “IF” that many say could have prevented death. Look again at Michael describing those who live lives of bitterness over a life being taken a certain way, “a life cut short.” Yet, God has spoken of our days being numbered, measured, and fashioned. God knows the exact day and moment when we will step into eternity. Omniscient means all-knowing. All-knowing. Knows all. Knows when, and how. Amazing.
I believe exactly like Michael states in this day’s writings. I have great peace that God is in control. After all, I have been declared “dead”(physically), but I am still alive…more on that some other time.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink – PV, Priceless Victory
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches, Tx 75963 936-559-5696
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