Friday, October 25, 2019

Day 309 - Up and Out Versus the Down and Out

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength (Vol. 1) - # 360
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(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”.  Why a blog?  So that many can receive these thoughts in an easy manner.  If you are not getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in the top right corner there is a place to register to receive each post.

In this day’s writing Michael points to two extremes that many take in using the natural mind. This can occur in either lost man or Born Again man. Consider all Michael shares, and see who you can “recognize” in his descriptions…

Then pause to think of what the Mind of Christ in those Born Again should be embracing.

DAY 309

Up and Out Versus the Down and Out

Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the kingdom of God before you. For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him; but the tax collectors and prostitutes did believe him; and you, seeing this, did not even feel remorse afterward so as to believe him.” --Matthew 21:31 & 32

When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, mankind became divided into two classes. Those who chose to emphasize the good are classed as self-righteous, or as I like to call it, the Up and Out. Those whose focus became evil became the unrighteous, or rather, the Down and Out. Jesus also divided fallen humanity into these two categories. Luke 18: 9-14, “To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: ‘Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: “God, I thank you that I am not like other men--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.” But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.’"

Some in their own estimation elevate themselves above God; they look down on others, and they effectively remove themselves from the Kingdom of God. Then there are those who see themselves as worms, not daring to look up or move ahead; they, too, miss the Kingdom of God. In the Christian life both types might as well still be meeting in the temple. I have found it interesting during several hundred hours of discipleship with couples to find so often in the conflicts both an Up and Outer and a Down and Outer. The Down and Outers much more readily admit their failures but are slow to make improvements because of an overall pessimistic and inferior view of themselves. 

I would like to describe the characteristics of each before we move on to the resolution of the problem. I have purposely exaggerated in some ways the attributes of Down and Out and Up and Out in the hope that we can recognize the seed before it becomes a deep-rooted tree in our lives. I also want to warn readers from the outset that the purpose of the following descriptions is not so this article can be pointed out to either the Up-and-Out or the Down-and-Out person. Anyone doing that will have become the very thing that he or she despises! I am not in the habit of eloquently delineating a problem and then not describing a way out, for the way out is the issue, not only for the Up and Outer and the Down and Outer, but also for the mate that must live with one. 

The Down and Out are consumed with themselves and their failures; they spend prolonged hours dissecting their miserable plight and the role of others in their condition. They use all surrounding circumstances, rejections, perceived rebuffs, and personal failures to commit emotional suicide, for through dying emotionally they relieve themselves of all responsibility to move ahead, look honestly at complaints, or work at improving their plight. The Down and Out allow life to live them. They are victims for whom life is barely worth living, since the whole world is the adversary. Comfort comes from accepting their miserable predicament of not being suited for living as well as from the belief that others are simply born with the blessing of God. Confront this type of person and be prepared for pouting and vengeance that come in the form of withdrawal, avoidance, refusal to speak, fits of depression, inactivity, and self-punishment. If the Down and Out are not really down and out, they will make sure that their behavior is, as through passivity, drugs, alcohol, television, laziness, or a variety of idols they make their outer life fit with their inner life. They are procrastinators; because of all the feelings of inadequacy and failure, responsibilities and jobs are postponed. The Down and Out cannot live with themselves and therefore cannot live with anyone else. They give up on relationships, for no amount of effort and self-sacrifice will work, so why try? They are very difficult to live with. As their negative behavior intensifies, first they want others to tell them that they are not really as bad as they feel or as their behavior indicates (although no positive affirmation will be believed). Second, they reject others before they can be rejected. Third, they begin an affair with suicidal thoughts. Fourth, they then begin to obsess on all the wrong that anyone has done to them, thus casting blame and once again avoiding personal responsibility. Fifth, they begin to justify their rebellion. No matter what form it takes, they are right in participating. After all, there is no hope, no one who really cares, and there is no need to fight, for they are already defeated. All of the above excuse their lack of obedience concerning the fifth chapter of Matthew. In fact, communicating with God always increases self-perception, but the Down and Out have an excuse not to talk, for they surmise that God is not interested in them. If He were, life would consistently be wonderful, with God pandering to their every emotional up and down.

The Down and Out are the worst of pessimists; lack of hope has produced a cynicism, and why not? All hope is in themselves; they have not looked outside to God and therefore find the discouragement that exists within all men who try to live independently from their Creator. They do not look up before they act, but rather look around. This assures that they are inconsistent, because decisions are made depending upon the response of others to them. If the Down and Out happen to be parents, they even look to the approval of children before they act. Their motto is, “People-pleasing at any cost,” although others' happiness is not the goal except insofar as it is useful in raising their own self-esteem. Disgusting? I think so, and deep inside they know so. Is it any wonder that the Down and Out are susceptible to the enemy's attacks of suicide?

The Up and Outers are self-righteous, self-reliant, self-centered, all knowing, and consumed with looking at the failures of others. When a suggestion is made to them that might lead to improvement, an explosion ensues. The Up and Out cannot take any criticism, are not teachable, and believe that they possess more wisdom than others and make better financial, family, personal, and spiritual decisions. If only their plans were fully followed, they know that all would go well. Though criticism is not tolerated, it is liberally and generously meted out, and why not? They fully believe they are the standard for all that is right! The Up and Outers lack patience with others, and their approach to problem resolution is for the other people to change. During a dialogue with Up and Outers the topic at hand rarely gets talked through to its conclusion. Instead, most of the time is spent on their examining what is said, making sure that nothing could in any way be construed as shedding negative light on them, for their lofty position over others must be maintained. Do not expect an apology from the Up and Outers or ready forgiveness if they have been offended, for in that case they will sit on their throne awaiting penance until the wrongdoer is once again deemed worthy. When a wife is an Up and Outer, myriad covert messages are left for the husband, all intended to leave no shadow of doubt in his mind that he is unacceptable, unspiritual, a failure as a father, and the major annoyance in the family. When the Up-and-Out wife finally succeeds in driving her husband away, this merely proves what was always said, and now she is a victim who often expresses shock and surprise at the loss. Up and Outers produce the mates that they have described, often under their breath, for years. Those who give their best for years to their Up-and-Outer mates and still come up short give up like adolescents and rebel. There is no longer an incentive to try. Often while doing marriage discipleship I will ask each mate to describe five things that he or she has personally done to bring the marriage to a place of misery. The Up and Outers, even after as much as forty years of marriage, can think of nothing. If I continue to press the issue long enough, eventually a failure is mentioned, but immediately there is a justification, such as, "I should not have listened to my mate," or "If he had not been so carnal I would not have been driven to my behavior." No shortcoming is claimed as theirs. UNBELIEVABLE! On a spiritual scale of one to ten, Up and Outers view their mates as ones. Therefore, no matter how well a failing mate does, it will never be enough, and it certainly does not merit respect, physical affection, or support, even before the children. Ask the Up and Outers about their righteousness and hear their superior tone as they enumerate their positives, believing that they always walk in truth, act exactly as a Spirit-filled believer should, and cannot think of a thing for which they should be embarrassed. They struggle with the no-hopers to whom they are married and therefore conclude that only Jesus can meet their needs, so they are free from the expression of Matthew 5 in the marriage. They privately "marry" Jesus and wait for heaven when they will be rid of the ball-and-chain and can get on with heavenly living. They actually believe that on Judgment Day Jesus will look at them and say, "You poor thing! How did you ever manage with such a thorn in the flesh? Step aside while I chastise your mate." Disgusting? I think so!

What misery is produced when any combination of the above finds its way into the dynamics within a marital relationship. Both soon feel hopeless, that they have done their best, that the other has made their life less than abundant and more frustrating, annoying, hopeless, and unfulfilling, while they feel abused, misunderstood, condemned, trapped, mistaken, tired, weak, pointless, undone, disillusioned, stupid, unappreciated, and cheated. All this despite what Jesus said, "I came that you might have life, and have it abundantly." How? When? Impossible? "Forget it! Keep it to Yourself! I am tired, and there is nothing left within me, so leave me alone. Paul had more faith than I do, but I have adjusted to that fact. Just let me coast out of life; I no longer want to fix the problem. I will pour myself into my kids, the job, the hobby, or the ministry; at least there is some satisfaction there if I cannot have fulfillment." Can you imagine this type of person handing out tracts, attending church, and witnessing to others? Well, the Church is full of them.
That cursed tree! Who would have considered the long-reaching results of eating from it? Our lives have become a living hell, the source of which can be centered in another person's actions, attitudes, words, affection, and verbal and non-verbal communication. Man determines our destiny, our outlook on life, daily happiness, and even our desire to live. Amazing. We do not look to God; He is forgotten, He is distant, His behavior inconsequential, His love neglected, His voice forgotten, and His power lost; the Tree of Life eludes us.

What options remain? Suicide, a new mate, seminars, long discussions on rejection, marriage encounters, merely existing, counseling, convincing the others to change, confessing our denial, positive thinking, the agreement of others, misery support groups, Scripture memory, medication, hostility, obsessive analyzing, separate bedrooms, or the constant overt punishing of a mate.

What is the way out? The first step is critical, the foundation on which all others will be built. We recognize that if the self-perception of the Up and Out were correct, Jesus would not have had to come to earth. In fact, God could have waited two thousand years and sent the Up and Outers to set things straight. The same is true of the Down and Outers; if they were as miserable and hopeless as they say, why would Jesus even come to die to redeem them? The misery that we deal out to others and to ourselves has its roots in a false self-perception. 

Colossians 2:12: "Having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead." Jesus died for the Up and Out and the Down and Out. We have been buried with Christ, and in Him we are something different, we have received a new identity. We are now neither of the above, for our righteousness is in Him, and Christ's righteousness appeals to all! As believers we are to repent of both self-righteousness and unrighteousness, and then those are to be avoided at all costs. We now possess Him and therefore possess all. Our eyes no longer adjust to the false light of self, but only to Him. Self-centeredness, no matter what the form, has no value.

Here are some steps out of self-obsession.
1.  Repent of self and of judgment toward self and others.
2. Spend a minimum of sixteen hours refusing all thoughts concerning self.
3.  After a prolonged examination of those others that make you miserable, or after examining your personal failure, go to a mirror, stare at the bitter, angry, and frustrated person in the mirror, and then break out laughing. Admit your stupidity.
4.  Go back to the foundation of your life, which is not a teaching but the person of Jesus. All that the Sermon on the Mount describes is actually the Life you now possess.
5. Repent of the self-righteousness, the unrighteousness, or both in your life. Give yourself no occasion for the flesh, no excuse for your lack of self- or other-love! Take up the cross, deny self today, and release the new Life that stands fast in the truth whether dealing with the Up and Out or the Down and Out.
6.  Put one foot in front of the other. Move toward Christ, remembering He has loved you when you were an enemy of the truth. Now love those who are your enemies.

When Jesus was forsaken and denied, He did not go Up and Out, saying, "I will get a new group of men to work with." Nor did He go Down and Out by giving up. He died for the people to see them redeemed. Move past self and flesh toward Christ. It is not a difficult journey once the first step is taken.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

The first thing that jumps out at me in Matthew’s verses, quoting Jesus’ actual spoken words, is the three (3) mentions of the word “believe” (Greek: pisteuo). Jesus is so often quoted as asking why folks did not believe.

In his first paragraph Michael points out the irony of the divisiveness of the natural mind, which is NOT of God. And 99.9% of humankind never see this!

Well, the rest speaks for itself. May the Lord speak to each of us as He sees fit, and works as only His Grace can do to free us from any self-centeredness.

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www 

NOTICE: another blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

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