on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength (Vol. 1) - #
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BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”. Why a
blog? So that many can receive these thoughts
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Grace and Law, the pair that never seem to be
completely understood by most Christians, much less Unbelievers. Michael addresses
the issue raised in Paul’s statement by giving exactly what Paul was always
preaching, and what he most feared he would stop doing (and therefore “disqualify”
himself, be a castaway).
Check out what Michael points to as God’s way of
getting past any failure and moving forward…
DAY 362
Will Your Preaching Disqualify You?
But I keep charge of my body, and bring it into subjection:
lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a
castaway. --I Corinthians
This is a beautiful,
love-filled, strong warning by Paul, whose concern is legitimate. The fear is simple, that we will
preach one thing and then do another, and thus discredit our message.
The common interpretation of that passage would lead one to believe that Paul
was preaching law and judging his lack of hypocrisy by his ability to keep the
law. He already mentioned in verse 20 that he was not himself under the Law. I
would be willing to assert that most who preach on this passage use it to set a
standard that they do not even reach, then draw the contrast between what the
listeners do and what Paul did, leaving the audience bleeding on the ground as
hopeless hypocrites. Just
what was Paul mentioning that he did not want to go against? We do not
want our standard to be different from his. Paul was preaching grace, love, mercy, hope, and, more than
anything, a devotion to Jesus. I believe it is these things, being
preached regularly, that he was afraid not to do and disqualify himself. Many preach grace, but then when
they fail, they move farther away from Jesus. They have just
disqualified themselves from the message they preach. When a Christian fails he must get up and move
forward in the love of God. If he cannot, there is a big problem. In
short, Christianity is different, much different, than religious legalism.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Green
– IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink
– PV, Priceless Victory
Grace and Law, the famous pair that most
Christians see opposing each other. That is not what Jesus taught. He taught
that He kept the law (Lived it), and
He taught that He would give us His Life in our earthsuit to Live “as He Lived,”
(His Grace). Except that most miss His teaching that it is Him, not us, doing
the keeping.
Paul knew and understood Jesus’ teaching. Paul Lived
it. Paul taught it. Paul was the number one believer and recipient of the Grace
of God. Paul enjoyed Jesus’ Life more abundantly (re: John 10:10) than anyone
else I see in Scripture. He preached Grace (Jesus’ Life) in us.
Grace is Christ Living His Life through us. Put
that in any place grace appears in
Scripture and see how the Word comes alive for you.
To access ALL past weekly
blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital
“C” by logging onto www
NOTICE: another blog on
Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the
Wilderness. You can access by logging onto
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches,
TX 75963 936-559-5696
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