on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength (Vol. 1) - #
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I can remember being a “humanist.” Basically, I believed everything the world
had to say. Finances, religion,
lifestyle, business, and social issues.
Wow! Michael gives us a complete
unveiling of the Religion of Humanism and God’s victory over its lies.
DAY 299
The World
When He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will
guide you into all truth.
--John 16:13
I was asked, “If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do
humanists eat?” Humanism,
which through such vehicles as the U.N. and EU (European Union) has taken hold
of so many developing countries, is an attempt to wrestle moral authority away from the Church.
It is nonsense on several levels. First of all, humanists present their objecting messages to people who
would not act a certain way anyway. They show pictures of dolphins
swimming in industrial waste, which enrages the people who would not be
irresponsible with the waste anyway and leaves those who are fouling the water
unaffected. Such activities throw words at a problem and accomplish nothing.
Second, humanists define a
problem that does not exist, set out to fix it, and by so doing create a real
problem that is greater than the imaginary one. Third, there is no basis for certain
moral statements made. Humanism
has a moral foundation vaguely familiar to what is seen in Christianity, and
yet it denies Christ and His
power. Fourth, it
is filled with compromise. One compromises to someone who is already
compromised. It is compromise compromised, so loose in the end that it is
ridiculous. Yet the humanists push away through the U.N. and other groups in
nearly every developing country in which I work to spread their merely
man-centered wisdom of the world. If Christ had not opened my eyes, I would probably be on the front row
listening; I do not
have any illusions about finding substance in my own flesh. One
persecuted Christian was telling me about other believers who had compromised
with the cruel government. I said, "That would be me!" He said,
"You would not!" I said, "I would. There is nothing good in my flesh. I own it and now look to the Lord to
keep me.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Green
– IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink
– PV, Priceless Victory
Allow me to reiterate a couple of key points from Michael and insert a
couple of personal illustrations.
As a pastor for many years I have seen the day in America where the
once-called “Moral Majority” is no longer the moral majority. I have been saying that for almost 30
years. Just look around, even around the
world, and see what “morals” the majority of people are living by.
Humanism denies Christ and His power.
Period. But, sadly, so do way too
many Believers.
Humanism is filled with compromise.
Yes, and that word, “compromise,” is NOT in God’s vocabulary. Period.
And anyone who uses that word, or is willing to act on that word when it
comes to Truth, is not walking with God.
But, Hallelujah! Almost 40 years
ago, my wife, Barbara, and I experienced what Michael experienced… If Christ had not opened my eyes, I would probably be on
the front row listening. That happened to us in Pastor
Morgan’s office on May 20, 1980. It is
an incredible experience to “see” with the eyes of Christ.
Flesh is flesh, but the unfathomable riches of God
are ours as Believers in Christ Jesus.
There is no way to defeat flesh but by the grace (God’s work in our
life) of God…totally undeserved.
To access ALL past weekly
blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital
“C” by logging onto www
NOTICE: another blog on
Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the
Wilderness. You can access by logging onto
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches,
TX 75963 936-559-5696
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