on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 255
Michael’s book is
available through:
Abiding Life Ministries
Littleton, Colorado
Notice: this email is part of a
BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”. Why a
blog? So that many can receive these thoughts
in an easy manner. If you are not
getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in
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is full of choices, isn’t it? And
depending on our focus, we Christians can make wise choices or destructive
choices. Maybe we ought to start a recap
of what we focus on…by which “direction” our chooser is taking us!
DAY 213
brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any
excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these
--Philippians 4:8
that the place you are presently sitting as you read this article represents
your whole life. Everything in the room holds some aspect of your past,
present, and future. Now pick
up the most insignificant object that you see, such as a pencil, a coin,
or a saltshaker, and slowly
move it toward your eye. Keep moving it until this insignificant object blocks out half of your
world. Something that
is really of no great consequence to the rest of us has become of paramount
importance to you. In fact, you will have great difficulty living the
rest of the day with half of your vision blocked. This is exactly what the enemy does to believers. He picks something from our
past, present, or future and has us obsessing on it until we believe that there
is nothing we can do in life until this one thing is resolved. Some
obsess so long that they eventually begin to listen to the voice of the enemy
telling them that this one thing is so consuming that the only option is
suicide! Obsession is wrong in
two fundamental ways. First, Matthew 5:36: "You cannot make one hair white
or black.” That is, you cannot control the past, present, or future. Second, regret over the past is for
unbelievers. It vexes me greatly when I see believers wallow over some
stupid mistake in the past. We
have a God, He takes our sins, and the proof that He cleanses us from them is
the very fact that we are distressed when we think about the past. Therefore, He is to be our daily
that your mind is divided in half. One half of your mental energy goes to your
mate, job, church, family, and hobby; the other half of your thought-life goes
to your obsession. If you
give up your obsession, what will you do with the vacuum? Philippians gives the secret:
focus on Him! One
thing I found that makes life enjoyable is to give myself to something bigger
than myself each day. So while an obsession is bigger than the person
who gives himself to it, God
is indescribably bigger than the obsession. Satan wanted Jesus to
worship him; the word used for worship is indicative of “giving attention to.” Jesus refused to give His attention
to anything other than God. We will not worship an obsession.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Green
– IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink
– PV, Priceless Victory
Michael gives us two fundamental ways obsession should never be a part
of our lives. Both are non-entities for
a Believer focused on Christ.
Matthew 5:36:
"You cannot make one hair white or black.”
regret over the
past is for unbelievers.
When will Believers stop listening to the enemy?
To access ALL past weekly
blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital
“C” by logging onto www
NOTICE: another blog on
Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the
Wilderness. You can access by logging onto
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches,
TX 75963 936-559-5696
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