on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 249
Michael’s book is
available through:
Abiding Life Ministries
Littleton, Colorado
Notice: this email is part of a
BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”. Why a
blog? So that many can receive these thoughts
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gives us one of life’s most profound truths in today’s writing…one that man has
basically not understood in the Natural Mind.
But then, God in His mercy gave every Born Again Believer His Mind (the
spiritual mind). As a Believer, stop and
think about how you can make heads or
tails out of this puzzle…whereas an Unbeliever cannot.
DAY 164
And God created man in His own image, in
the image of God He created him. --Genesis 1:27
Mankind clamors for independence and yet at every conceivable turn
proves he is the most dependent of all creatures. Every person,
with the exception of the insane, is bound to someone in some way. Man must
carve out of his human surroundings an identity. The craving for dependence is
so great that once the identity is solidified, only reactions within the
comfort zone are sought. There becomes a set action, a desired reaction, and
all else is avoided. The activist is bound to the one against whom he protests;
having accepted the identity of activist, he will find it very difficult to
live in a problem-free environment. Therefore, when one cause is won, the
activist’s organization is not disbanded, but a search begins for someone else
to oppose to provide the greatly needed reaction. The bitter person needs a person to hate, the robber
needs someone from whom to steal, the teenager with green spiked hair wants an
adult to shock, the bully seeks a fearful soul, the athlete desires a crowd,
bigots search out different kinds of bigots to judge, the philosopher pinpoints
someone to belittle, the guerrilla militia is obliged to locate a conspiracy in
the government, political parties require opposing factions, and the movie star
craves an audience. This assessment is confirmed with the disheartening
sentiment, “If the opposition did not exist, neither would we.” How true that
their very existence is tied to the thing they despise. Their life is dependent upon that for which they have
contempt. Not very deep!
We were created by God for His glory and
purposes. It is to be in Him that we find who we are, and it is in
the context of His body that we find our proper place of dependency on others.
By nature we are dependent; we will serve something. I choose to be a child of God; therefore I need God. I
will act, and He will react. But unlike dealing with the world, this
cycle will not leave me depleted or being a slave to others. Rather, I will be
built up and be free. I am
happy to be a Christian!
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Green
– IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink
– PV, Priceless Victory
One of the most foundational truths of Christianity is that every
Believer has the capacity to discern spiritual things because of the gift of Holy
Spirit and Christ’s Mind (1 Corin. 2:7-12, 16). And yet, Unbelievers have only the old spirit
and natural mind, and cannot receive and understand the things of God.
Michael points us to
focus on who we are in Christ, then Who He is in us. In this context, dependency is the “natural”
life. Amen!
To access ALL past weekly
blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital
“C” by logging onto www
NOTICE: another blog on
Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the
Wilderness. You can access by logging onto
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches,
TX 75963 936-559-5696
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