on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 102
Michael’s book is
available through:
Abiding Life
Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
Notice: this email is part of a
BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”. Why a blog? So that many can receive the weekly thoughts
I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.
NOTICE: a new blog on
Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the
Wilderness. You can access by logging onto
Michael draws attention to the most simple part of
living life as a Christian: recognizing the truth that God “always leads us in
triumph in Christ.” Makes the thought of
being a “defeated Christian” sort of ridiculous, doesn’t it? Why is it that any Christian could ever go
there? Well, Michael tells us…
DAY 186
Life Is So Daily!
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma
of the knowledge of Him in every place. –II Corinthians 2:14
A fellow was in my office
complaining about his wife’s behavior. When he finished, I began to speak.
“Have you done the basics? Are you loving her? Are you bringing every thought
captive to Christ? Are you being offended until you cannot be offended?”
“I've tried all that!” was his
How can any of us say, “I have tried all of that”? Did we try breathing, did we try going to the bathroom, did we try
getting dressed, and did we try stopping at red lights? After trying all of them,
did we decide never to try them again? How stupid. Some things are not things that we try, but things
that we consistently do. Abiding is not something that we try; it is something that we do every
moment of every day. Abiding in Christ, realizing that we are in Him and He is
our focus, is not a light switch that is turned on once and stays on. I
remember seeing a bicycle hooked up to a generator so that when a person was
pedaling he got light, but it quickly extinguished when the pedaling stopped.
The person could not stop pedaling and say, “Well, I tried that, but it does
not work,” when the problem is that he himself stopped working. There are many things in our
lives that are not one-time things but daily. I remember a young woman
telling me that she did not like marriage. I pressed her to reveal why. In the
end she responded, “I guess it is just so daily.” Well, amen! Abiding is not only daily but, more
appropriately, moment by moment.
you ever stopped to think of how many TRUTHS (God’s truths) are negated by any
Christian who:
a. does not know about the TRUTH
b. does not believe the TRUTH
c. does not “do” the TRUTH (p.s. – we “do” what we “believe”)
isn’t it? God tells us very plainly
something vitally important about life as a Christian, and we “negate” His Word
by the response we give. Abiding is
abandoning self and acknowledging/accepting that we are in Him & making Him
our focus. Easy to do, isn’t it? (did you ever see Michael give the old “two-hand
focus illustration”? or the “pencil
point toward the eye illustration”?)
But Michael’s
point is that it is something we just simply need to continue to do…every
moment of every day. Well, now…how many
want to abandon “self” for that long? Oh…just
the ones who want to allow God to lead us in triumph in Christ.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Green
– IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink
– PV, Priceless Victory
To access ALL past weekly
blogs, go to Living
Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto
NOTICE: a new blog on
Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the
Wilderness. You can access by logging onto
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches, Tx 75963 936-559-5696