on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 91
Michael’s book is
available through:
Abiding Life
Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
Notice: this email is part of a
BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”. Why a blog? So that many can receive the weekly thoughts
I express on Michael’s writings in an easy manner.
scripture used to start today’s writing is probably my favorite. I so love the freedom God gives my spirit
when walking each day in His truth. Some
Christians are not living the Truth of Proverbs 3:5-6 because some emotions and
obsessive thoughts, and ongoing sin, prohibit them from doing as God says.
DAY 207
a Babysitter?
Trust in the Lord
with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge Him,
and He will make your
paths straight.
--Proverbs 3:5, 6
I remember a couple
with an out-of-control child. Every night cookies were put on every other step
and down the hallway leading to the child’s bedroom. This is how they got the
child to go to his room at night. You can imagine the luxury of dropping the child
off at a babysitter's for a night's rest. Aside from all the issues this
situation brings up, it made me think how emotions can be a lot like uncontrollable children. They wear us out, and we
would be happy to drop them off at a babysitter's just to get a break from
them. We need a break from
our emotions and obsessive thoughts, so we stop off at the babysitter of
drugs, alcohol, TV, gambling, videos, romance, and more. We want something else to take
charge of our emotions and thoughts to give us a break. There is another option, though.
When they are such a hassle, we should just desert them. We cannot control
them, so we need to abandon them at God’s doorstep and admit that we are
powerless and done in.
It has taken me some time to come to the place where I
could say that sin is stupid, but it is! It is stupid because it does not fit
our new nature, the life of Christ. If I were to ask a
group of farmers to wear dresses, high heels, and pantyhose for one week, I
imagine that they would be quite uncomfortable. Obviously, it is because the
attire does not fit their nature! They are men; they want men’s clothing.
Likewise, we believers are
uncomfortable when depressed, angry, unforgiving, full of criticism, or sinning
simply because those do not fit our new nature, the life of Christ. If a believer goes to bed angry
with his mate, he punishes himself. If a believer refuses to forgive, he
punishes himself. If a believer returns to a past sin, he punishes himself.
Someday in heaven it will be revealed that the commands of God were never a
burden (I John 5:3). The proof will be in the fact that when they were
neglected or disobeyed, His children were miserable. Whenever they were kept,
we were happy! Dwell on this: Sin
and punishment are one and the same. We need not punish a cancer for
being a cancer; cancer is its own punishment. The woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus. She
never asked for forgiveness, and yet Jesus did not condemn her. Why? Her
behavior had already condemned her; there was no need for Him to say anything.
Sin is stupid! It has
been said that the fruit of sin is either rotten or green, but never ripe,
juicy, and satisfying. Sin
simply does not fit a believer any more than the clothes and behaviors of the
opposite sex.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Green
– IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink
– PV, Priceless Victory
In somewhat of a continuance of last week’s writing, emotions are the
first mention we see Michael address.
Once again, we cannot let our emotions take us to a level of being
It is absolutely important that we join Michael in recognizing sin is
stupid…all because it is “not who we are” in Christ! It does “not fit our new nature, the life of
Christ.” If it is not who we are, why
are we trying to be somebody we aren’t?
Recognizing Truth and recognizing sin for who they are…exact opposites…perhaps
will help us to make some decisions we might not otherwise make. But, in the end, Michael nails it: “sin and
punishment are one and the same…sin is stupid…sin simply does not fit a
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