Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Say 28 - Bitterness Bondage

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness For His Strength - # 36

Michael’s book is available through: 

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

If you don’t have one of Michael’s books as yet, let me encourage you to contact ALMI and get one…so many great “days” where Michael has shared the jewels of wisdom God gave him over the years of ministering around the world with 1,000’s of people.  His Heavenly Discipleship book ought to be every Christian pastor, teacher, and counselor’s textbook, with My Weakness For His Strength the perfect “compliment.”

Three “days” in a row in Michael’s book…three weeks now in a row for us to consider these damaging decisions and emotions.  It is no wonder the Apostle Paul wrote that we must “stand firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”  And, do not “let a root of bitterness spring up…”  Look at where Michael tells us this leads... 

DAY 28

Bitterness Bondage

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. –Galatians 5:1

Bitterness is oppression from the enemy, who has invested many hours whispering about the supposed misery caused by others. The most predominant trait of the bitter is that he considers himself a victim, having had to suffer and go it alone without help, support, or respect. He is isolated, forced to a place of self-sufficiency. No one even cares, and he is angry. This attitude of bitterness can begin with a dislike, distrust, or even hatred of one's mate, but soon turns into hatred of the opposite sex. Women are viewed as complaining, impossible to please, picky, manipulative, non-submissive, rebellious, and domineering; they only care about seeing a paycheck, they lack respect, and a man never knows what he is coming home to. To a bitter wife, men are seen as proud, insensitive, arrogant, passive know-it-alls who only care about themselves, sex, and having their egos continually stroked; they are slow to fulfill their responsibilities and cannot do things right. Soon both spouses decide that they can live without sex, communication, approval, or the support of their mates. I have talked with couples that had mutually decided through bitterness to withdraw sexually from one another for periods of more than ten years. These attitudes will often be communicated to the children of the couple through various overt or covert messages, leaving many today fearful of the opposite sex.   

It takes a surprisingly short amount of time for bitterness to become a person's comfort zone. It is actually easy to withdraw and put the mate under the magnifying glass, waiting for the next word or action that will prove the negative assessment of the relationship and the hopeless state of the mate. I have been amazed at how frustrated a bitter believer becomes at the suggestion that his mate may not be as bad as he believes. He hates to hear such a thing! As I draw attention to the bitter one's inability to love in spite of offenses, the conversation is immediately turned away from his failure back to the inexcusable behavior of the other. I can only ascertain that this type of person has every intention of remaining bitter.

Just this week I heard another sad story of family members being estranged from one another because one had hurt the other…years ago…and there never has been the humility and decision to “ask forgiveness” (even to admit “I’m wrong”) that leads to forgiving and reconciliation that God so strongly desires for everyone to experience.  It is the epitome of our relationship with Him.

And with so many Christians living with the mask of “I’m fine” greeting others, when the fires of unforgiveness and bitterness smolder beneath the surface and behind the mask, it is no wonder the church has become weak and inept and is not winning the world to Christ.

If you know someone who is living with bitterness, ask God to give you the opportunity and the wherewithal to get them to the point of getting help to rid themselves of this bondage.  And one key ingredient in total restoration is the healing of the damaged emotions that are present in any case of unforgiveness and bitterness.  God wants to heal the emotions as much as He wants to deal with the forgiveness.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                        936-559-5696

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