Lee McDowell Christian Ministries LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas Gal. 2:20 KJV
Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 4
Michael’s book is available through:
Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859 almi@abidinglife.com
Once again, Michael makes one of his formidable statements: “I have never made a mistake.” Well, amen! I agree with him wholeheartedly, but read carefully what he says. So, read on and find out how YOU can LIVE the same!!!
Day 134
Thy Will Be Done
In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. --I Thessalonians 5:18
Can you believe it? You do not rule your believing; your believing rules you!(VIP) Often your faith will be the mere size of a quarter, but you will find yourself in a situation the size of a plate. At first you will want to shrink the situation to fit what you can believe God for, but God’s plan is to have you expand your faith.(VIP) Your Shepherd has led you to the exact place you are at today,(PV) so today you can choose the grass in your meadow that looks best to you. I do not believe that I have ever made a mistake.(PV) That is not to say I have not sinned, erred, or failed. But I have never made a mistake in knowing the will of God. I simply acknowledge that He is leading, next I make a decision according to what looks good to me, and then I say, “Father, I want Your will, not mine. I choose such and such.” Next, I act.(VIP) God has been faithful to close doors to all that is not of His will.(PV)
“I know it could not be God’s will for me to do that, because I want to do it, and it would be so much fun!” What a statement of unbelief that is. Who put the desire for something in you from the beginning? Are you really so smart as to have conjured up the desire all alone?(VIP) Why do some people want to stay home and others travel? Why does it not bother me to go without food or to sleep on a dirt floor with no heat? It is because God put it in me.(VIP) Why would some people abhor such a thing? God has not put it in them. I am glad that God put something different in Betty from what He put in me. She prefers home because God put it in her, and because she prefers home, I have a foundation from which to travel. It all works together, in faith!
Well, how much of that shocked you? I remember back to the first days after Barbara and I became Christians…we encountered the “great debate” of every Christian I have ever met (even to this day!!!). “Is it God’s will for me to …?” And the questions and “answers” are endless. None ever embracing or approaching the issue of God’s sovereign rule in our lives, much less contradicting many things said every day by the “best” Christians: “God is in control.” (He is? Oh, He lost control for a moment when I made such and such a decision…). “God must not be through with you yet.” (“Boy, if you hadn’t made it to the hospital in the nick of time, you would have been a gonner!”…never mind my heart stopped beating for almost 7 minutes, had no pulse, and Barbara couldn’t have helped me, BUT Officer Cross just went on duty and was one block from the house and got there several minutes BEFORE the ambulance arrived. Oh, and he had never gotten a pulse back from someone who didn’t have a pulse when he got to them…until me). “Those folks who got caught in traffic and missed that plane that crashed sure were lucky.” (Yeah, you’re right, they sure were “lucky”…but that word is never found in God’s Holy Word).
Actually, I was fortunate to hear some messages years ago that led me towards the Truth of knowing God’s will. So, this hasn’t been such a battle for me as it is for others. And I’ve come to realize: “I have never made a mistake. God’s will IS being done!”
So, it is time for you to either believe that your Lord IS the Great Shepherd, and He IS leading you every moment of every day, OR…keep on doubting.
Do we still MAKE CHOICES? Are we responsible for making choices? Find out next week!
Give ‘em Jesus!
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Red - GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink – PV, Priceless Victory
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches, Tx 75963 936-559-5696
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