Friday, January 24, 2020

Kindle book by B. Lee McDowell

fb post 1-24-20, GWBL on Kindle eBook

God’s Words Bring Life NOW on Kindle eBooks! $3.49. And, author page – B. Lee McDowell, is active. A blog will soon be active on that page.
There is something new with Kindle…called “Flip Page”…not sure what it is since I haven’t done this avenue before, but they tout the expanded “moving around” within the book without losing your “spot.” Let me know if any of you know something about this.
Also, it would help if you would make a comment about the book. And, pass the word on to your family and friends about it…help get these Life-giving Truths of the Life of Christ within every Believer!
Thanks for being a part of this journey!

book by B. Lee McDowell now available

Living Life With a Capital “C” blog – notice of book on Amazon and eBook

     One of the blog followers asked about a book I have published. Here is some info…
Just a note to let everyone know that I have just uploaded a new book, God’s Words Bring Life, to, available in print…AND, the book is available in eBook form through Kindle. Easy to find using my author name: B. Lee McDowell, or the book title.
     The sub-title says it all: Christ’s Life Becoming Your Life.
     The book is about finding Christ’s Life and Power for your life in the Words of God, in what I call Life Verses. Short chapters (2-3 pages) on 52 Life Verses give anyone the Source and resource for a Spirit-filled Life. Included are two original diagrams of the trichotomies of Born Again man and lost man. These are clear pictures of just what spirit, soul, and body each one has. These are important information that will change the day-to-day thinking, day-to-day decisions, and day-to-day actions for many Saints.
     God’s Words Bring Life is full of teachings that are for the Spiritual Eyes, Spiritual Ears, Spiritual Mind, and Spiritual Heart in every Christian.
     This book builds upon the teaching I received from Michael Wells. In fact, he is quoted (with permission from Betty and ALMI) in several places. God has arranged the book in an orderly fashion, building precept-upon-precept. It could be a great tool for use in a New Believer’s class, or New Member’s class.
     As I have had communication from folks all over the world about the blog posts here the past 7 years, I would appreciate any of you letting me know if you have gotten the book…and your thoughts on it.
     Praying God’s Grace to be poured out on your life,
                                                                                                                 B. Lee McDowell