Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day 156 - Identify the Enemy

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 245
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”Why a blog?  So that many can receive these thoughts in an easy manner.  If you are not getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in the top right corner there is a place to register to receive each post.

I love the word “focus.”  It speaks of and identifies so much.  Michael takes us to a point of who/what our “focusing” should be on…

DAY 156

Identify the Enemy

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). 

We attended a bullfight in Spain, which, though it may not be the pinnacle of enjoyable experiences, is nonetheless an interesting one. Having grown up around a farm, the kill before butchering was never something I looked forward to. Some would argue that the death of the bull in a bullfight is as humane as the death in a slaughterhouse. I do know that in the bullring the beast has his moments of glory, and after watching six bulls defy the matadors, my admiration for bulls has gone way up. As a child I was never allowed to touch a bull. When feeding the cows and petting them, the temptation was always present to likewise pat the bull, but any movement I made toward that end was met with a strong rebuke from my grandfather. He had hauled several bulls over the years and seen men gored; he never trusted any bull. The toros in Spain enter the arena full of attitude, muscle-rippling strength, and catlike quickness in an impressive show. They look for anything that is moving and immediately charge with power that is awing to witness; they send every matador scrambling behind a thick wooden wall, and then they hammer the wall with their horns. I had never witnessed that in a bull, nor had I seen that kind of endurance. Nothing about a bullfight is fair; the only way to make it less fair would be to remove one of the bull’s legs! However, because of the bull’s strength and superiority, the fight would take hours were the bull not slowed down. Carrying a spear, a horseman rides in on a heavily padded and blindfolded horse, and the bull immediately rushes him. The first bull we saw actually knocked the horse over and was able to gore it, even as the rider, falling down, drove the spear deep into the bull’s back. Next, four matadors begin to wear the bull down with a series of charges at pink capes. When the bull is sufficiently tiring, another matador will come holding two colorful skewers. He allows the bull to charge him straight on and then jumps sideways, driving the skewers into the back of the bull. This is repeated three times. Even at this point the stamina of the bull is incredible. The matador, with his large red cape, will now come out to work the bull until it finally has its strength bled out of it, at which time, with an air of satisfaction, the man draws a sword; the great beast bows its head to hurtle one more time toward the rag that has given it so much grief, and the matador drives the sword into its great heart. Some matadors are better at this than others, but ideally, the bull’s demise is quick, and it drops, immediately dead. The whole exhibition takes around fifteen minutes.

As I watched, I could not help but think about our fight against the “rulers, powers, forces of darkness, and spiritual forces of wickedness.” In Christ, the battle is won. On the cross He did not say, “To be continued!” He said, “It is finished.” Like the bull, we in Christ have the superior strength. However, the bull makes one fatal mistake by thinking the cape, a simple piece of lifeless rag, is the enemy, the source of its torment and pain! I kept thinking to myself, If only you would stop fighting the rag, stop looking down, look up at the head, and move eighteen inches to the right! The battle would be yours. Even to its dying breath the bull was eyeing the rag, when it was the matador that was driving the sword deep into his heart. A physically superior creature is defeated because of a wrong focus. How often in our spiritual battles the enemy has our focus on something other than him; we never pay attention to his ugly head. So many times I have talked to couples ready to divorce over absolutely nothing but a rag; the enemy has continually poked at them, making them think that the rag is what is hurting them. It is not the rag! It is the one behind the rag. Move eighteen inches to the right, go for the head, and you will see the truth of it. Many times I will stop in the middle of a situation and just say, “The Lord rebuke you!” I know the issue is not the issue; there is someone behind the issue, and I want to go for the head. The believer has the superior strength, but that will do him no good if his focus is in the wrong place. So many just bow and let the enemy drive the sword deep into the heart. There will nearly always be the need for a twenty percent improvement in any relationship; that provides the rag. Why let the twenty percent steal the eighty percent of joy? On any given day, you should immediately be able to say three things that are right about your situation and about your mate. We need God’s grace to recognize the head.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

In illustrations like this, I am immediately reminded of Michael’s great illustration of “the hands.”  Left hand (the Left always represents “evil”) close to face, the right hand (the Right always represents “righteousness”/Jesus) is not visible.  The FOCUS is on the evil.  Switch positions of the hands, and the FOCUS is on Jesus.  When we focus on Christ, our focus is in the correct place.  When we focus on Christ, and remember the battle is won, IT “is finished.”  Amen.

We Believers have the superior strength (and ANY or ALL resources needed) in Christ.  Thank God He makes His grace available to us to “tap into” His resources!!!

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www 

NOTICE: another blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Day 150 - "I Have No Personal Relationship With Christ!"

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 244
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”Why a blog?  So that many can receive these thoughts in an easy manner.  If you are not getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in the top right corner there is a place to register to receive each post.

Have you ever wondered why some people (who call themselves Christians) make some of the most absurd statements?  I hope you have, because the truth lay in the extent of one’s biblical vocabulary…  And we KNOW the truth is found in The Truth.

DAY 150

“I Have No Personal Relationship With Christ!”

The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. –John 17:22, 23

God brought order out of chaos as His Spirit moved. He does the same for us, but we must follow the order. Therefore, we will look at the order of things before examining the statement in the title, which is an assertion I often hear.

1. God's goal is building our faith, the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen--or felt--in our lives. When we are in what could be called faith-growing situations, then nothing is out of order in our lives. Rather, everything is in perfect order. We cannot have the things of God (love, awareness, and feeling) by effort. They come through the acknowledgement of faith (without feeling or even experience).

2. Some say to me, "Mike, you have a great ministry." I stop them and say, "This is not my ministry, but it is preparing me for the ministry." No one’s job, family, circumstances, or feelings are their ministry; those things only prepare us for true ministry in His presence for eternity. 

3. The purpose of life on earth is to form us into safe persons in heaven. Made in His image yet born separated from Him, we busy ourselves setting up our own kingdoms wherein we, of course, are kings and queens. To the degree that we can control our circumstances, we believe we are strong. To the degree that we cannot control, we feel weak. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Therefore, during our time on earth we must lose control of mind, will, emotions, body, others, and overall strength, until ultimately we see the wisdom in forfeiting our kingdoms for His great Kingdom. If we are losing control we need not panic, because everything is going according to plan.

4.  Every question we have about God and His dealings with us must be tempered with the remembrance of who He is. God is love, and as such He bears with us, believes in us, hopes with us, and reflects every other characteristic of love described in I Corinthians 13.

5.  What is a personal, deep relationship with Jesus? All of the above are involved in it: growing faith, ministry, and the loss of control. Perhaps we have allowed others to define what a deep, personal relationship is, and we thus believe ours is nonexistent because we have not experienced what they define that relationship to be. Not everything that is true is truth. A teaching may come from Scripture and be true but not truth. How do we tell the difference between the two? True teaching that lands at our feet and speaks of what we must do is not truth. True teaching that ends at the feet of Jesus and explains what He does for us is truth, for Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. If what we are hearing does not end at His feet, it is not truth. What does land at our feet is the issue of our being unbelieving toward having a deep, personal relationship with Jesus and continuing to maintain that there is something lacking that we must do or find. Perhaps we have not had visions or miracles, He has not awakened us in the middle of the night to heal us, or not everyone in our family is perfect. Still, according to God’s definition--the one that counts--we already are in a deep, personal relationship in accordance with the above. 

Any believer who has said, “I do not have a deep, personal relationship with Christ,” went left instead of right when it came to the fork in the road of experiencing God. Experiencing God could not be more than what He has given us as individuals to experience; the roadblock is in thinking that there is something more than what God with an IQ infinitely over 999 trillion has already initiated toward us. We are pleasing and close to Him because the life of Christ in us is pleasing and close. There is nothing more to do. Feelings of loneliness, separation, and depression may be there, but they will not go away while we are focused on them. This may appear vague as to the issue presented, but the issue is not the issue. We have proven that when things are in order, this aspect of flesh does not overwhelm us, so in that is the answer. In the end, we can own what we feel, tell God how we feel, leave it at His feet, and move on. If on a scale of one to ten it is a ten for God, He will deal with it. If He does not deal with it, then we know it is not in His order of things.

Because of Christ, we are in and experiencing a deep personal relationship with Him.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Allow me a personal moment to share that I would like one day to write a book I might call A Basic Biblical Dictionary (Greek and Hebrew behind our English words, context and applications).  It probably wouldn’t contain enough words to be worth printing, but it would have huge (perhaps enormous) value.  You know, just some often-used words (incorrectly) that dramatically alter the conversation of so many Believers.  Oh, well…I suppose if each of us would just spend some time meditating and soaking on what Jesus said in Michael’s text (John 17:22-23), allowing Holy Spirit to be our Teacher as He is, we would be a long ways down the road to having all the Truth herein settled in our hearts once and for all.

Michael draws our attention to one of these words: relationship.  So often misused, or misunderstood, or completely abused.  I see daily on Facebook these last 3 uses.  If there is anything that needs to be grasped and understood, acknowledged and owned…it is every Believer’s relationship with God in Christ, as Michael drives home in this day’s writing.  Really…enough said.

As you can see by my “markings,” I consider almost EVERY WORD in this day’s writing worth meditating on for a long, long time!

p.s.  I hope you make your own evaluations (color) as to the “importance” of each word, phrase, sentence…

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www 

NOTICE: another blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day 148 - "I Do Not Believe Because Of The Crusades!"

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 243
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”Why a blog?  So that many can receive these thoughts in an easy manner.  If you are not getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in the top right corner there is a place to register to receive each post.

This is a beautiful writing by Michael which sheds truth on the tragedy of what is taking place in Unbelievers’ lives all around the world, day after day.  Every real Believer can see and understand what is really taking place in the Unbeliever’s eyes and mind…having been there and done that.

DAY 148

“I Do Not Believe Because Of The Crusades!”

Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. --Philippians 3:13, 14

You may not hear it in the places you travel, but I have heard it so many times I actually find myself finishing people’s sentences for them. They do not believe in Christianity because of the Crusades! If it is not the wars, the people may finish the sentence with what a pastor once did, the behavior of the television evangelists, or the tenets or actions of some associated with a certain denomination. They have ready examples of abuse by Christians, whether in the past or present, that exempt them from having to question their own lives and allow them to discount Jesus and every positive example of believers. Make a list and put in the left column those things Christians have done wrong and in the right column the contributions of believers. From talking on the phone to turning on the lights, from getting vaccinations to women’s and children’s rights, from everyday great inventions that have become commonplace to mass education, the world is indebted to the inspiration received by Christians. The unbelieving world stands on the backs of the believers, reaps the benefit of believers, and makes their complaint against the believers. I just cannot recall a plethora of scientific contributions of Hindus or atheists. The argument against Christ because of the behavior of a few is flawed, if not ridiculous. Horses have killed people, so will I never own a horse? Electricity has killed people; do I not want electricity in my house? Cars kill people; should I never own a car? Doctors have immoral procedures; will I never go to a doctor? People kill people; should I never listen to another person? The Crusades took place; I will refuse any contact with Christianity. It is absurd. The issue is not the Crusades; the issue is pride, which no argument will break, for by its very nature pride is blindness that only Jesus can break through. Before a word is spoken to a proud person, it is predetermined that it will not be received. The only reason for speaking to such a one about it is the revelation of his heart and a coming judgment.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

One thing the Apostle Paul had “laid hold of”: the scales had been removed from Paul’s eyes and he had seen and trusted Jesus to be his Savior.  Holy Spirit had given Paul the capacity to see and know that Jesus IS “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” and that “no man cometh unto the Father, but by (Him).”

Michael makes an important point…”those who do not believe in Christianity have ready examples,” (that they feel worthy of)exempting them from having to question their own lives and allow them to discount Jesus and every positive example of believers.”  All the while, “the unbelieving world stands on the backs of the believers, reaps the benefit of believers, and makes their complaint against the believers.”

But the heart of Michael’s writing today is summed up: “The issue is not the Crusades; the issue is pride, which no argument will break, for by its very nature pride is blindness that only Jesus can break through. Before a word is spoken to a proud person, it is predetermined that it will not be received.”

Four of my most favorite verses are 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 (1st verses I ever preached a sermon on...titled: “The Lost Don’t Know They Are Lost!”):  “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.  For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.  For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
These verses shed light (no pun intended!) on exactly what Michael has pointed out so well: a LOST person (Unbeliever) does not, and cannot, “see” Truth.  They are blinded by the god of this world.  And there is no extreme to which an Unbelieving Mind will go to believe a Lie, or to give examples (which ARE arguments which are flawed, if not ridiculous) of the behavior of a few as to “reasons” they will not believe in Christ or Christianity.  Sad, but reality.  We must pray for the scales to be removed from their eyes!

Can I hear an “amen” to what happened in your life to become a Believer: For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  AMEN!

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www 

NOTICE: another blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day 146 - The Cross And The Flesh Pool

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 242
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”Why a blog?  So that many can receive these thoughts in an easy manner.  If you are not getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in the top right corner there is a place to register to receive each post.

A great truth is this: what we perceive, we believe.  With this in mind, think about your perceptions of life as you read Michael’s perceptions of life, particularly the flesh’s involvement.

DAY 146

The Cross And The Flesh Pool

Who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, {and} being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. --Philippians 2:6-8

Why would Jesus put His life in flesh? To answer that question we must ask another. Why did God put Jesus in flesh? The obvious reason is that He must dwell in the flesh, overcome it, and come back to dwell in our flesh as One who has already conquered. However, there is another reason. Being in the flesh would push Him to a moment-by-moment abiding in the Father. The flesh is permitted because it is used of God to push us to Him. Once we acknowledge that apart from Him we can do nothing, He then does everything. The flesh is only vexing if we do not want to be with Him and at the same time we do not want to walk in the flesh. They tell the story in Korea of an old man in the fish market. All the other vendors had big tanks, just like his, filled with fish, with this one exception: Their fish died as soon as they were put in the tank, and he sold his fish alive. Upon investigating, it was discovered that the old man had put in his tank the fish’s predator. By alertly swimming to stay away from the predator, the fish stayed alive and fresh. The flesh is just that for us. Truth is not only preached but demonstrated. In the state of recognizing abiding (again, abiding is not worked for but recognized), the flesh is not bothersome. Being in the likeness of a man, he emptied Himself, fell under God’s love, obeyed in everything, and there never was or has been a man on earth that had more joy.

I am happy that my flesh has driven me to God. When I empty myself, accept the death of the old “I” and let Him do everything, I feel like the happiest man on the earth. Ministry is pressure when a believer is bound in the power of a dead old “I” to create something that will please God. However, Jesus did not create ministry, He participated in it by letting God work the ministry through Him. I am not creating ministry; I am walking with Him, and of myself I can do nothing. Next, I stumble into a situation, and He is in me, ready to meet it. It is I, but not I! It is very easy to pray, “Jesus, like a Shepherd, lead me!” I have extended that attitude to my ministry. I do not have a big one-year, three-year, and five-year plan, but I do have a plan. Every morning I pray, “Jesus, like a Shepherd, lead me.” Over the years, through the experience of trying to minister in the power of the flesh and at the same time attempting to tame the flesh, I have been broken. The Lord used my flesh to bring me to the place I am today, where I can say, “Apart from You I can do nothing,” and, “Jesus, like a Shepherd, lead me.” The failings from trusting my old dead “I” have caused me to rest and wait on the new “I” to act. If ever I lose this attitude, the flesh is there to make me miserable and, in so doing, drive me back to Him.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Merriam-Webster online dictionary: “perceive” - to attain awareness or understanding of.  to regard as being such.  to become aware of through the senses; especially: see, observe.

Perception is important.  What we perceive, we believe.  What we believe, we act upon.  Therefore, it is important to know that we are affecting our actions in regard to spiritual matters by how we perceive truth God has given us.

Michael gives us one of the most dramatic differences that all Christians must take into consideration: “our flesh” works for us, or can cause great problems for us.  He gives us God’s purpose and use for allowing “flesh” to remain in us (Believers) after our New Birth.  The question is: do we know this, recognize this, and use this to our benefit, or let it make us miserable to the point of detraction and disruption of abiding?

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www 

NOTICE: another blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
(email)        936-559-5696

P.O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, TX  75963

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Day 142 - How, Exactly, Do I Abide in Christ?

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 241
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Notice:  this email is part of a BLOG, called Living Life With a Capital “C”Why a blog?  So that many can receive these thoughts in an easy manner.  If you are not getting these weekly postings via an email, go to the website: …in the top right corner there is a place to register to receive each post.

Michael started his book out (Day 1) with saying, “Having spoken through hundreds of interpreters in nearly that many languages, I consistently find that the hardest word in the Bible to translate (my underlining to emphasize) is abiding.”  This day he talks about how to do it.  Interesting thoughts…

DAY 142

How, Exactly, Do I Abide in Christ?

Then He said to them all: “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will save it.
--Luke 9:23, 24

Abiding in Christ is something that every believer has experienced, and yet it seems most difficult to maintain. I have been asked, “What do you struggle with?” Like all teachers I struggle with the thing I most often teach, abiding! All of my other failures originate from this one. When Christ is my focus, nothing really bothers me, and when He is not, the smallest event can create a spiritual domino effect. So the question, “How, exactly, do I abide?” is a significant one.  

Let me share a few insights. First, abiding is not something that we do but the awareness that we trust the Lord completely. Psalm 139:7, “Or where can I flee from Thy presence?” Second, abiding is not dependent on us but on Christ, so it is a faith issue. He is the One keeping us in the abiding relationship, the branches in the Vine. Third, if we do not know how to set our minds on things above, then we can at least discover what it is to set our minds on the flesh and refuse to do it! Examine Luke 9:23 to understand the flesh, and if we say no to every opportunity to set our minds on it, by default the mind must go to the spirit. Fourth, abiding is the beginning point of an abundant spiritual life; therefore, all powers meet at this point. When forces would move you from your position in Him, do not succumb to the voice that whispers, “It does not work; it is not for you. You are exactly where you were years ago!” Once I was in a boat that capsized, and I was pulled under the water. I did not immediately begin to think, Well, I guess I will never have air again! Air sure does not last very long; it sure is not worth the effort of breathing! No, no, no! All I thought about was getting back to where there was air. We are not to let failure move us away. Rather, we can get back, start breathing again, and let our focus rest in Christ.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Michael’s 1st insight, “abiding is not something that we do but the awareness that we trust the Lord completely,” draws me completely to the description Jesus made in John 15:5, “I am the vine, ye are the branches.”  Every branch knows it is completely dependent upon the vine for everything.  The vine does, the branch trusts.

Every faith issue is totally about “believing” and “trusting”…our work.  Christ’s faith is a gift to us for believing and trusting (Romans 12:3).

An abundant spiritual life is Christ’s Life.  His Life lived out through us by our abiding is what Jesus told us in John 10:10 that He came to provide for us.  His abundant Life.  Any other “life” is flesh.

So, as Michael points out, abiding is a focus in Christ, which highlights that everything is not dependent on us but on Christ.  Abiding is simple, isn’t it?  Well, amen.

To access ALL past weekly blogs, go to Living Life With a Capital “C” by logging onto www 

NOTICE: another blog on Michael Wells’ book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, called Getting Out of the Wilderness.  You can access by logging onto

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
(twitter) @bleemc67    (email)

P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696