Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 27 - The Bitterness Trap

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 35

Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859       almi@abidinglife.com

I am amazed at how little attention the church gives to this critical aspect of life.  Unforgiveness and bitterness are so wrapped up in so many church members’ lives that we would think it would be a high priority for pastors and staff.  All it takes is a casual reading of Michael’s words today coupled with God’s warnings in scripture to see that everyone must look earnestly at themselves to see if ANY unforgiveness and bitterness exists.

DAY 27

The Bitterness Trap

. . . promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved. –II Peter 2:19

When circumstances in life get the best of them, sometimes people passively respond by taking blame, rolling over, playing dead, and accepting all responsibility. There is no fear of change, for each morning brings comfort in the knowledge that whatever happens throughout the day, they are to blame. Similarly, but conversely, bitterness can become a compulsion; it assures a person that no matter what problem has arisen, someone else is to blame. Yes, bitterness develops the type of dependence seen with cigarette smoking, a habit which when started can be enjoyed when a person desires, whether after dinner, at a party, or during leisure times. Soon enough there develops an interesting phenomenon wherein instead of exercising free will, the smoker heeds the domineering call of the cigarette and goes whenever it calls. At this point there is addiction. A person specially created to listen to the glorious Father above listens instead to a cigarette below. The creature is a slave to a new master. When the misery of this revelation sets in, the smoker begins to make a series of vows and smokes hundreds or even thousands of what become known as “the last cigarette.” Soon frustration, anger, and even depression develop. 

At first bitterness is used as an excuse, but with the passing of time bitterness uses us. The fact most evident, yet rarely discerned by the bitter, is that whoever they are bitter toward has become their god. While in the wilderness, Jesus heard Satan make the request to "fall down and worship” him. The word "worship" involves the giving of attention; Jesus replied that only God would have His attention. Most of us have been hurt by others, but making them our gods by continuing to give them our attention is a greater tragedy. Do we want to worship those who offend, abuse, beguile, use, and neglect us? Jesus gives commands not to make us more acceptable to God but to ensure our happiness. Forgiving makes any person happy! When we forgive, we rule! When we do not forgive and become bitter, others rule us. The command to love is not for the good of others, but for our own good. What a deception the enemy imparts, that to obey will hinder our happiness. A paramedic once made the observation that he had never had an emergency call from a Bible study, yet he had received many calls from bars and parties. The commands make us happy and do us great good.  

Very quickly, let me mention one thing that is beautiful, but not really the main item of this day’s writing…worship. What Michael says is important, and we will delve into this more at a future date.

The bitterness trap…how few, especially in Christianity, have even the slightest realization that such an enemy exists.  In fact, the church has become so worldly in this respect, that holding grudges and thinking others should “pay” for any wrongs has become the norm in Christianity.  Ask any pastor how many of their members live here.

When Scripture has given us ample warning about being a servant other than to our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to avoid at all costs becoming enslaved to anyone or anything other than to be a bond-slave of Christ’s (as the Apostle Paul said he was)…how can we tolerate either of these in our life or the lives of our loved ones who know Christ?!? 

Three things stand out to me in Michael’s teaching:
1.   bitterness can become a compulsion, a dependence, an addiction, …how alarming! 
2. bitterness can lead to worship of the ones who cause us to become bitter …incredible!
3.   bitterness can capture us, enslave us, giving ourselves over to be ruled by those things/people that have offended us…mind-boggling!

And based on what God has taught us, all this is the direct result of:
·         Not trusting God
·         Not believing His teaching
·         Not forgiving

One of Michael’s teachings in this “day’s” lesson that so many Christians don’t believe:  “Jesus gives commands not to make us more acceptable to God but to ensure our happiness.”  Beautiful!  What a life changer!  There would be far less “feelings of condemnation” (which are totally unscriptural for any Christian!) and “struggle with trying to be a good Christian” (which is totally unscriptural for any Christian).  Accepting and resting in this one truth would lead to a more relaxed, more excited, more fruitful church!  And how many more “forgivers” would there be in the church?!?  Forgiving…one of the main parts of God’s being.  And it is to be just as “main” in our lives.  How soon we forget, or want to forget, the 70x7 story!  Or, don’t believe it.  Or, don’t believe it works.

Unquestionably one of the greatest decisions my wife, Barbara, and I have made since becoming Christians (and we made this decision over 25 years ago): “We cannot (and will not) NOT FORGIVE, no matter what happens to us, or what anyone has done to us.”  Bingo!  We are winners every time!  We are happy.  We rule.  Bless God, it is actually Him ruling in us and giving us His joy! 

It is our prayer that you, too, can enjoy being a winner always, and enjoy God’s rule and joy in your life…no matter what happens to you, or what someone does to you.

By the way, two words we learned from Michael:  “Well, amen.”  Try those two words the next time something or someone stares you in the face and “unforgiveness” raises its ugly head.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                         936-559-5696

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 26 - Bitterness

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 34

Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859       almi@abidinglife.com

Every pastor and counselor has dealt with unforgiveness & bitterness in so many of their members’ lives.  Only the sin of unbelief exceeds these.  Michael has 3 “days” in a row that could change family histories if those with “ears to hear” would lend an ear and a heart to what is covered.  We will spend this week, and the two following weeks, looking at this “divisive and destructive force.”

DAY 26


See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled. --Hebrews 12:15

(special note from Lee:  I could highlight with the different colors almost every sentence in this writing.  However, I have done so on what I think are the most absolutely critical points.  Please highlight others as you see the need or the fit!)

On occasion I will talk to a brother (or sister) contemplating divorce, and I will immediately explain to him how he is presently feeling. Often his response will be, "How did you know exactly how I was feeling?" “Quite simply,” I tell him, “I just described the characteristics of a bitter person.” His mate's behavior is not dictating how he feels, although he believes it is. Bitterness is the true dictator, a most divisive and destructive force to which many believers have succumbed. "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you" (Ephesians 4:31, 32). 

What are some of the common signs of bitterness in a relationship? The bitter person is responsible for them, remember, for it is not the actions of others that cause bitterness, but rather a hard heart and ears attuned to the enemy's accusing voice that give bitterness the soil it needs to grow. There is a difference between being offended and being bitter. We do not find Jesus, the one Man in all of humanity who was offended the most, ever bitter. Blame must rest squarely on the shoulders of the person who is bitter. Bitterness is an attitude that grows until its roots are entangled throughout the person's mind, will, and emotions. Any attempt to remove this poisonous plant will be met with resistance through desire, intellectual arguments, and the sense of hopelessness. Bitterness can even be considered an addiction, for there is a soothing inner calm in those who have become accustomed to it; though everything outside them is out of control, they can at least direct their bitterness and make others pay for the perceived wrongs they have done. The majority of believers under emotional stress will either have an outer expression or an inner explosion (which normally converts to depression), and with the passing of time all is forgotten. However, the bitter have done neither of these, and anger and resentment have accumulated to the point of the persons’ accepting a lifestyle, a path allowing for the luxury of avoiding personal responsibility for the remainder of life. A child is bitter toward the parent, and the more the child fails in life, the more anger he exhibits toward the parent. This is living in a distorted reality, a neurosis. When events begin to pressure the bitter people into accepting blame, they immediately recall all of the wrongs that have been done to them, once again avoiding life. An interesting thing about bitter Christians is that they often maintain their bitterness under the guise of being extremely spiritual, "so spiritual" that God has called them to suffer by being cut off from others, and yet the proof of carnality is that everyone who has disappointed them is covertly punished for the perceived failure.

It is extremely interesting and important that we don’t slide by God’s word to all believers: “See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that…”  Oh, thank God for His grace!   Of course, that is only helpful when we know and understand the truth of what God’s grace is (from “Day 123,” “At my point of need, God is everything to me that I thought He was not!...God is to me all that I am not.”).

Bitterness is a dictator.  God has told us plainly: put it away!  Get rid of it.  But, most of all, don’t let it get a root in our lives in the first place!  How many Christians’ lives must be destroyed (families!) before the church learns how to recognize and help folks who are headed toward it, caught up in it, or in the middle of being destroyed by it?

Make note of ALL the bitter person’s responsibility.  Make note that bitterness is an attitude.  Make note that bitterness can be considered an addiction.  Make note that bitterness can become a lifestyle.  And make note that bitterness is often maintained under the guise of being extremely spiritual (can we even imagine that, much less accept that?!?  Yet, it is TRUTH.)

Oh, but bless God…there is hope.  Christ is our hope.  Don’t forget:  “There is NOTHING the nearness of Christ can’t overcome/heal/put away…”  His GRACE is sufficient, because it is HIM being all we can’t be…doing whatever we can’t do.  Oh, hallelujah!  Our God is able!

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point      Green – IT, Incredible Truth        
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                      936-559-5696

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 93 - Fear

McDowell Christian Ministries                    LMCM
Nacogdoches,Texas                                          Gal. 2:20 KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 33

Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859    almi@abidinglife.com

Two days ago two bomb blasts rocked the area at the Finish Line of the Boston Marathon.  Evil did a horrific work in so many people’s lives.  Three were murdered.  Over 150 others were injured, some beyond comprehension.  And an untold number were affected in numerous ways.  Immediately, fear gripped the hearts of thousands in the area, and who knows how many around the world.  Fear…a dramatic emotion which the Bible actually calls a “spirit” (2 Timothy 1:7).  The Apostle Paul tells us that as Christians we have not received the “spirit of bondage again to fear, but (we) have received the Spirit of adoption” (Romans 8:15). A big question surfaces:  how are we to respond when confronted with a dangerous situation, dangerous people, or when anything of a destructive nature “looks us in the face”?  Peter gives us encouragement to “not fear” those who would intimidate us.  Look closely as Michael gives us some beautiful thoughts on what we as Christians are “suited for” when fear, or those bringing fear, works against us…and how we can live free from fear.

DAY 93


Who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. –I Peter 3:13-15

We are not suited for fear, which began for mankind in the garden when Adam and Eve fell away from the presence of God. Before that, they had been filled with confidence and assurance of the future, since they possessed a God. Man was not created to be independent, and in that sense, fear is the result of not staying dependent on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Fear is the friend of sin, Satan, and the world, for it makes us buy insurance, new cars, and investments; constantly focus on money; refuse a risk; and stay at a job we hate. We were created for trust and calm, so fear in our mind, will, and emotions creates sickness in our bodies.
We must become free from fearing anything less than God, and that is simpler than it sounds. We allowed fear in when we were taught it, and now we must invite it out. Fear is not dealt with through endless examination; we can refuse it. Look at fear and ask why we would allow it in our lives. We need to recognize we have a God and then change our minds about letting fear dwell in us. Some East Indians have an interesting way of physiologically dealing with thoughts they seem stuck with but do not wish to entertain: They bat their eyes! They say they cannot continue with a thought while batting their eyes. A change of activities might also help the mind get unstuck from the bad-habit rut of reviewing fearful thought patterns. Invite the fear out verbally, and then go to a mirror, examine the face’s worry lines, and begin to laugh. Remember that fear is the result of being self-centered, not God centered, and it has been called the measure of the distance between man and God.

Fear is a topic many preachers and teachers dread to address.  Why?  Because so many Christians live with many, varied “fears.”  Yet, God has explicitly told us to not live with/in fear.  I am so happy Michael has faced this.

Let me encourage you to use the following lists of the truths Michael gives of “who we are/what we have in Christ,”  the truths Michael gives of “how we allow fear to come into our lives,” and the “actions Michael gives of ridding our lives of this dangerous emotion/spirit.”  Be serious.   Be concerned to help others you might know who suffer from this dreadful, damaging issue.

“who we are/what we have in Christ”:
·         We are not suited for fear.
·         We possess God.
·         We were created to stay dependent on every word that proceeds from the
     mouth of God.
·         We were created for trust and calm.
·         We can refuse fear.
·         (as Peter said)  We are blessed.
“how we allow fear to come into our lives”:
·         Not staying dependent on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
·         Fearing anything less than God.
·         We have been taught it.
·         Being self-centered instead of God-centered.

“actions Michael gives for ridding our lives of this dangerous emotion/spirit”:
·         Invite the fear out verbally.
·         Refuse it.
·         Ask why we would allow it in our lives.
·         Recognize we have God and change our minds about letting fear dwell in us.
·         Change activities to help the mind get unstuck from the bad habit rut of
     reviewing fearful thought patterns.
·         Believe God.  Ask God to take any fear away.
·         (as Peter said) Sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts.

What do we want…lives of peace, calm, assurance…or, lives of fear, worry, doubt?  What a choice.  And with Christ, we get to choose.  “I can do all things through Christ.”  Well, amen.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point       Green – IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches          Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                         936-559-5696

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 351 - Why All The Planning?

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 32

Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859       almi@abidinglife.com

Confusion and frustration…confusion and frustration…confusion and frustration.  So much worry and fear…all about “the will of God for my life” or “God’s plan for my life.”  Aaahhhh, how relaxing to hear Michael tell of the time he was in Nepal with his son, and “the plan!”  I suppose I have laughed and laughed, told this story almost as many times as I have any other I ever heard Michael share…ENJOY!

Day 351

Why All The Planning?

Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. --Psalm 37:5

My son was traveling with me when he asked, “What is the plan? This is your first time in Nepal to minister, and so how will you go about it?” I said that we would begin each day by holding hands and praying, “Jesus, like a shepherd, lead us!” At the end of the prayer we would take off and see where Jesus did, in fact, guide us. I promised him that every night he would lie on the bed and think, “This was the most amazing day!” It was just as I said. Every morning we would pray and afterward meet someone that knew someone who would take us to someone. It was amazing. Once in an airport in northeast India we were lost and did not know what to do next. My son struck up a conversation with a fellow who soon was traveling with us to our next destination, got us a room, took care of every detail, and has been e-mailing us since. At the end of the day, we again said, “This was a most amazing day!” I am not saying that we should not plan, but we all plan too much. We waste time planning when we could spend time in fellowship with Jesus. We have a history with Jesus, and certainly our lives have not been carried out to the place they are today because of our tiresome and overbearing designs; our lives have unfolded. Jesus really has been leading us all along. In fact, the majority of our plans have not come to pass at all. I really believe that we can stop planning so much. Once when Betty met me after I had been ministering out of the country for several weeks, I told her I did not have a plan for the holiday. We would just get up, get on the train, get off where it looked interesting, and let Him lead us. At the end of the day we would sit and talk about the perfect museum, hotel room, restaurant, and trip. See how He leads? He leads believers all along. We are commanded over and over again not to worry. The time we spend worrying is better spent listening to and talking to Him. There are two cities that I know of in the world that are described in a particular way, and both are in the southern hemisphere: Canberra, Australia, and Brasilia, Brazil. Each one is called by many of its own inhabitants “the city without a soul.” Neither was naturally founded and allowed to grow; both from the ground up were planned perfectly by officials to be the seats of government. A perfect plan lacks soul! It is dead and without character because it is controlled in conception and execution. When we plan things perfectly, we remove spontaneity and the unexpected; we take out our reliance on God and the anticipation we feel when we know He is moving. Remember, too, that when we know exactly what the future holds, congratulations! We are now unbelievers without the need to walk by faith.

There are six words smack dab in the middle of this discourse that I think most Christians seem to ignore, and ignore, and ignore, and ignore:  “We have a history with Jesus.”  WE DO.  And why would we “ignore” this history with our beloved Shepherd when it comes to “making plans”?  Amazing!  He is our Great Shepherd, and His leading is written all over the pages of our lives!  Well, amen!

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, AND HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS.”  (Proverbs 3:5-6)

What more do we need than to know Who our Lord is, What He has done for us in all our years, and How He has guided, protected, and provided for us all along the way.  ALL THAT ought to command our “committing our ways unto our Lord, trusting Him, and knowing He WILL direct our paths.”

I can hear Michael’s voice…
     ”Yes, son, we have a plan.”
     “But, what is the plan, Dad?” 
     “Don’t worry, son.  God has a plan.”
     “I know there’s a plan, Dad, but I want to know the particulars.” 
     “Just wait until the morning, and I will give the particulars.” 
     “But, Dad, I need to think about what all we will be doing.” 
     “Go to sleep, son, you’ll know the plan in the morning.” 

Can’t you just see Michael and his son standing outside the hotel in the morning, on the street corner…”Dad, what’s the plan?!?!?”  “Bow your head, son…”  Well, amen!

Come, Jesus, like a shepherd, lead us.


YELLOW – VIP, Very Important Point              GREEN – IT, Incredible Truth         
RED – GP, Greatest Promises
TURQUOISE – UR, Unfathomable Riches           PINK – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                         936-559-5696

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 219 - People Are Dipsticks!

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 31

Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859       almi@abidinglife.com

How many of us have ever thought of someone as a “dipstick”?  Come on…admit it, we may have used just the first half of that word:  “They are such a ‘dip’.”  We all have characterized someone as such in times past.   But have we used the term as Michael uses it in Day 219?  Good use of the word.

DAY 219

People are Dipsticks!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. --Galatians 5:22

A dipstick is used to check the level of oil in an engine. People are dipsticks! It is true, but not in the way we might think. The Holy Spirit is the lubricant of the believers’ lives; when fully lubricated we run smoothly, without friction, quietly, and calmly. When we are running in the flesh, God sends someone along as a dipstick to check the level of lubricant; it may be the driver that cuts in front of us, the rebellious child, the gabby lady at church, or the self-centered husband, but what they will find in us is frustration, anger, impatience, and hostility. We can think in the back of our minds, "They are such dipsticks!" They have been sent by God, and if we will but stop and see Him in the situation, we can turn to Him, acknowledging that we are short of the oil of the awareness of the Holy Spirit, and pray, "Father, fill me up!" He does, and we can thank God for those who came along and warned us we were running low on oil before we blew up.

Very simple.  Nothing so profound as to knock us off our feet.  But, oh so sweet.  I can start using the word “dipstick” to identify someone God has sent my way to warn me of impending danger…the danger of “blowing up.”  That’s an awesome thought and realization, isn’t it…”God has sent (them) my way.”  Wow!  Amen!

Another outstanding point by Michael: “the Holy Spirit is the lubricant of believer’s lives.”  Hallelujah!  God “sent.”  He sent us the sweet Holy Spirit for so many reasons, and this one is beautiful in moment-by-moment living.  I have Him to bring the peace, calm, assurance, guidance, and control…among other things (just check the list of the “fruit of the Spirit” in Galatians 5:22 for starters!)…that makes living and interacting with people and circumstances SO COMFORTABLE and UNCOMPLICATED.  I like “comfortable and uncomplicated.”

Here’s an idea: let’s take a 3x5 card, carry it with us for 1 week…every time I recognize (or, should) a “dipstick” I write down the day, time, “person,” incident, and my response.  Should be interesting…  Well, amen.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point              Green – IT, Incredible Truth         
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                        936-559-5696