Lee McDowell Christian
Ministries LMCM
Texas Gal. 2:20 KJV
on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 35
Michael’s book is
available through:
Abiding Life
Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859 almi@abidinglife.com
I am amazed at how
little attention the church gives to this critical aspect of life. Unforgiveness and bitterness are so wrapped
up in so many church members’ lives that we would think it would be a high
priority for pastors and staff. All it
takes is a casual reading of Michael’s words today coupled with God’s warnings
in scripture to see that everyone must look earnestly at themselves to see if
ANY unforgiveness and bitterness exists.
DAY 27
The Bitterness Trap
. . . promising them freedom while they
themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved. –II Peter 2:19
At first
bitterness is used as an excuse, but with the passing of time bitterness uses
us. The fact most evident, yet
rarely discerned by the bitter, is that whoever they are bitter toward has
become their god. While in the wilderness, Jesus heard Satan make the
request to "fall down and worship” him. The word "worship"
involves the giving of attention; Jesus replied that only God would have His
attention. Most of us have been hurt by others, but making them our gods by
continuing to give them our attention is a greater tragedy. Do we want to worship those who
offend, abuse, beguile, use, and neglect us? Jesus gives commands not to
make us more acceptable to God but to ensure our happiness. Forgiving makes any person
happy! When we forgive, we rule! When we do not forgive and become bitter, others rule us.
The command to love is not for the good of others, but for our own good. What a
deception the enemy imparts, that to obey will hinder our happiness. A
paramedic once made the observation that he had never had an emergency call
from a Bible study, yet he had received many calls from bars and parties. The
commands make us happy and do us great good.
Very quickly, let me mention one thing that is beautiful, but not really
the main item of this day’s writing…worship. What Michael says is important,
and we will delve into this more at a future date.
The bitterness trap…how few, especially in Christianity, have even the slightest realization that such an enemy exists. In fact, the church has become so worldly in this respect, that holding grudges and thinking others should “pay” for any wrongs has become the norm in Christianity. Ask any pastor how many of their members live here.
When Scripture has given us ample warning about being a servant other than to our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to avoid at all costs becoming enslaved to anyone or anything other than to be a bond-slave of Christ’s (as the Apostle Paul said he was)…how can we tolerate either of these in our life or the lives of our loved ones who know Christ?!?
Three things stand out to me in Michael’s teaching:
1. bitterness can become a
compulsion, a dependence, an addiction, …how alarming! 2. bitterness can lead to worship of the ones who cause us to become bitter …incredible!
3. bitterness can capture us, enslave us, giving ourselves over to be ruled by those things/people that have offended us…mind-boggling!
And based on what God has taught us, all this is the direct result of:
Not trusting God
Not believing
His teaching
Not forgiving
One of Michael’s teachings in this “day’s” lesson that so many
Christians don’t believe: “Jesus gives
commands not to make us more acceptable to God but to ensure our
happiness.” Beautiful! What a life changer! There would be far less “feelings of
condemnation” (which are totally unscriptural for any Christian!) and “struggle
with trying to be a good Christian” (which is totally unscriptural for any
Christian). Accepting and resting in
this one truth would lead to a more relaxed, more excited, more fruitful
church! And how many more “forgivers”
would there be in the church?!?
Forgiving…one of the main parts of God’s being. And it is to be just as “main” in our
lives. How soon we forget, or want to
forget, the 70x7 story! Or, don’t
believe it. Or, don’t believe it works.
Unquestionably one of the greatest decisions my wife, Barbara, and I
have made since becoming Christians (and we made this decision over 25 years
ago): “We cannot (and will not) NOT FORGIVE, no matter what happens to us, or
what anyone has done to us.” Bingo! We are winners every time! We are happy.
We rule. Bless God, it is
actually Him ruling in us and giving us His joy!
It is our prayer that you, too, can enjoy being a winner always, and
enjoy God’s rule and joy in your life…no matter what happens to you, or what
someone does to you.
By the way, two words we learned from Michael: “Well, amen.”
Try those two words the next time something or someone stares you in the
face and “unforgiveness” raises its ugly head.
Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point Green
– IT, Incredible Truth
Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches Pink
– PV, Priceless Victory
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches, Tx 75963 936-559-5696