Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 113 - Give Me More of The Word

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 9
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Interestingly, the vast majority of Christians are told they need more of the Word of God (the Bible), and they are not told they need more of the Word of God (Jesus).  In this “day,” Michael gives a fascinating look at the failure this brings to the organized church and Christianity as a whole.

DAY 113

Give Me More Of The Word

And He gave some {as} apostles, and some {as} prophets, and some {as} evangelists, and some {as} pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ. --Ephesians 4:11, 12

During the course of my life if God would permit me to understand and live John 15, I would exit earth quite happily. In fact, I have devoted my life to this one Man and what He describes in this one chapter. I preach it from what I think is every angle, and then He shows me another. If in these times we could see that Jesus dwells in us, what a difference it would make, but that great truth must come through revelation. I am aware that words will not do it. Jesus must do it. In preaching John 15, I discover that I am forced to experience it when Jesus comes for my words. Well, amen. What confuses me are the many who do not understand this passage, or even Jesus for that matter; they clamor: “Could you quote more Scripture in the course of your lectures?” My response, “Do you understand the Scriptures that I have quoted? Are they practiced in your home, job, and life?” Most are honest enough to say, “No, I am not experiencing John 15, but it would make me feel better if you used more Scripture.” Amazing! I could go speak at a seminar and just read the Bible; I wonder if that would be enough Scripture! How many would come to hear me read? However, I believe God has given gifts to men that will allow them to be an instrument of revelation. I cannot think of anything but John 15, and if you have got it, I will be moving on to someone who does not have it.

Church life would immediately be transformed if we understood the basics of the Christian life; few have camped at them long enough to get them. Those without the foundational truths begin to build, only to see the building crumble or go up in smoke as hay, wood, and stubble. The Bible is a witness to Jesus; it is not the information book, the magic book, or the book to change us. We are not to go to it for anything other than a witness to Him. It will not create His presence, but it will tell us that He lives in us. We do not need volumes; we need a few, simple little passages to bring the revelation of Jesus.

(underlining is my emphasis)

First, let me note what I first wrote in the margin of my book when I read this “day” for the first time:  “heart of the Abiding Life message,” when I underlined these two sentences: “If in these times we could see that Jesus dwells in us, what a difference it would make, but that great truth must come through revelation.  I am aware that words will not do it.  Jesus must do it.”  The CHURCH has lost sight of “revelation” and “Jesus must do it.”  The CHURCH is all about “I must read, study, memorize…and I must do it.”  And instead of focusing on Jesus, the focus is always about “me.”  The most shocking question I have ever asked anyone in the church: “What is Jesus doing in your life right now?”

There is enough Christianity in John 15 to transform every Christian, therefore every church.  It’s almost as if every pastor should be growing a vineyard next to the church house to be able to demonstrate the truths of John 15.  Forget the gym, get a vineyard.  Forget every member getting a workbook for some discipleship course, each one get a vine to plant and tend in the church vineyard.

As those of us know Mike, he did understand and live John 15.  And he helped 1,000’s to do likewise (or at least get started).  And he got those same 1,000’s to understand and appreciate “revelation.”  (I was taught the first years after being Born Again to stay away from “revelation,” only the weird ones sought that!)

The Word…I think this is one reason our Lord is leading me to start preaching in a couple of months through the Gospel of John.  John was all about Jesus.  John was all about Love (Jesus).  The Bible that the bible-believing Christians so loudly proclaim to believe and love is all about “a witness to Jesus.”  But, It has been turned in to “the information book,” “the magic book,” or “the book to change us.”  Imagine what people are saying when they say It is “the book to change us.”  A BOOK will change us.  A BOOK will transform our lives.  A BOOK is all we need.  Now listen…not one evangelical tract or text says, “Go tell the Lost that all they need is a BOOK.”  No, they all say, “Go tell the Lost that all they need is JESUS.”  Not a BOOK, but a PERSON.  And that BOOK says, “As you came to JESUS, so walk in HIM.”  Read the BOOK to find HIM!  And to find that HE LIVES IN US.

Give ‘em Jesus!

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point               Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                      936-559-5696

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 282 - The Love of God In Missions

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 8
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

One of the most interesting things about My Weakness for His Strength is that Michael covers so many different aspects of Christianity, life, church, and religion.  In Day 282 we see one of the most astounding assessments of why “church” as we know it today in America has become a non-entity in impacting our communities and affecting life-changing decisions across our nation.  We have our slogans, but do we have action to match what we say.  We have our activities, but do we have real love for those we touch?
I was getting some new tires for Barbara’s car recently when I read Michael’s words in Day 282.  In a split second the Lord spoke to my heart about this missing aspect of church life.  Read closely and carefully every word, and let the Lord speak to your heart…has this been “church” as you have known it for many years?

Day 282

The Love of God In Missions

May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ. --II Thessalonians 3:5

A friend has made an interesting observation, saying he had been listening to several mission reports and support appeals in an attempt to discover what was missing. He could not put his finger on it, he said, but there was something different from when he was a child. As he searched through the statistics and the financial and physical needs of missionaries and missions, the stories of conversion and the hardships, he finally noticed what was different. In none of the reports did he hear that the missionaries were compelled by the love of God or that they were madly in love with the people, and it was vexing to him. I listened and thought to myself how true it is that the task can so easily become more important than the individuals. How easy it is to forget the greatest thing, love! That simple observation has driven me to my knees, not to generate love, but to bask in the presence of Love, for it is an appreciation of His love that drives me to love. The root of missions must be love.

WOW!  The CHURCH is a mission.  In all of our reports and support appeals…do the people find that we are compelled by the love of God and that we are madly in love with each other and the people we minister to?!?   Or, has the task of doing church become more important than the individuals?  Or, does the church even consider love over the programs?
And take special notice of the first words of 2 Thess. 3:5, ”May the Lord direct your hearts…”  MAY THE LORD DIRECT…  It is HE who does this work in us, if we let Him!  We have to be living in the flesh for Him to not do it!  Now grab your bibles and look at v. 3 (in 2 Thess. Ch. 3), it is the Lord Who is faithful Who will “establish” and “guard.”  Christianity is only about what God does in and through us.  So our prayer is that the Lord WILL direct our hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ…so that we ARE compelled by His love and DO love each other and ARE madly in love with each other & the people we minister to.  Well, amen.

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point               Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                    936-559-5696

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 276 - The Joy of Following

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 7
Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

In another exciting discourse on “the will of God,” Michael gives us some of the most stimulating thoughts that change our “focus” on LIFE.  Are you as tired of the “yin and yang” as most Christians are (but, perhaps don’t recognize it; or, don’t know what to do about it!), who have fought and argued over what is “good” and what is “bad.”  And have been sorely disappointed in how much teaching from the church has left little to enjoy in life?  And how “Christian Buddhism” has dominated the preaching and teaching for so many years in the Bible-based churches? (maybe all churches for that matter).  “I have decided to follow Jesus” takes on a whole new meaning with the insights into “Thy will be done” that Michael Wells introduces to his readers in Day 276.  Be sure and soak on the highlighted items…

Day 276

The Joy of Following

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter (finisher) of (our) faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. --Hebrews 12:2

Buddhism, with its yin and yang, comes from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, teaching that no matter how much good is done, evil is always making its appeal at a person’s heels. It also teaches that in choosing the life of good, one would be forgoing the pleasures that come from evil. This causes a tension within the follower. Evil offers so much in the temporal, the Buddhist admits to that. However, the good person must deny himself of these temporary pleasures. The Buddhist would have us believe that he has given up his will. However, it is his will to do only what he perceives as good. The will of a Buddhist is quite alive and is the center of his life. He is not living in faith but living in what he perceives will make him the happiest; the reason that doing good looks better than succumbing to evil is simply because evil is not perceived as making him as happy in the end. A good person is the positive piece of film that was created by the negative, the evil person. Both have so much in common. Both want to do what will make them the happiest. Both want the freedom to choose what will work the best for them. Both want their own will. Both are creating an image. Both want to be equal to God. Both want to create in their image. Both want to persecute those who will not agree with them. I bring this up because this cursed tree and its teaching, reasoning, and thinking is thrust upon the believer from almost every quarter from the time that he first accepts Christ.

Our will is not the issue. Our concept of good and evil is not the issue. Our highest goal is not image, equality, being right, comfort, or discomfort. His will is the issue and is so much higher than anything that comes from the tree of good and evil. “Thy will be done” is our prayer. In losing our will, our determination of what is good or bad for us, we have not given up anything. In following Him we are not losing something, denying ourselves something, or missing out on what the world has to offer. Our will for His will is one of the greatest favorable exchanges that there is. Our will, good or bad, is temporal; it is of the earth. It has no power. His will is of heaven and has an eternal power. 

I question that we know what it is to possess the will of God when we speak in terms of what has been lost to follow Him. What is lost is often spoken of with a fondness. “I had and could still have money, women, houses, respect, and security. I gave it all up for Jesus.” Was it something that was liked but that had to be renounced for Jesus’ sake in order for the person to be a Christian? Or was it something that Jesus, through grace, revelation, love, and mercy, allowed the individual at last to throw off? “Oh, I cannot go to that place, move to another place, take a different job. You see, I have given up my will to do only what is His will.” When I hear people say that it sounds so much like they really would like to move and take a different job, but they have chosen something higher than the rest of us, having decided to forgo selfish indulgences to simply walk with Jesus. As long as following His will is communicated as a sacrifice, we have not yet known what His will is. Doing His will is not denying oneself the things he would really like to do. His will is not competing with the world. His will is not a good force fighting a bad force. Christians are deceived into believing that by doing His will, they are missing out on some of life’s pleasures, such as the respect of men (good) or the indulgence of the flesh (evil). The will of God is not the opposite of the will of man, not good fighting evil. God’s will is the revelation of the heart and mind of God; it is very personal to Him. To be allowed into His will, to do His will, is something to which nothing on the earth can be compared. The will of God is not something that we enter into because of the fear of punishment or the promise of reward. Just being in the will of God is reward enough, bringing joy and filling us. 

I remember traveling on the back roads of India in the famous Indian Ambassador (an Indian-built car that’s style has not changed since the early 1940’s). My Indian teacher unexpectedly pulled me close to his side and began to whisper, telling me his family’s most intimate details and concerns. I paused to take it all in. My teacher was telling me, the student! This is not done in India. I was being invited into the most secret place of his heart. I knew the significance of the moment was that I was being included as the culmination of years of travel and fellowship. Though a weak analogy, it illustrates the privilege of being allowed into someone’s heart. To know the will of God is to be privy to His heart and participate in it, a very special privilege. Jesus was not burdened by the will of God but genuinely delighted in it; it was His food. Being included in God is not giving up anything. It always brings joy, even when the will of God is a cross.

The prayer “Thy will be done” does not reflect thinking in terms of giving up my will to do His will. My will is rubbish; I have learned that I do not want it in any way, shape or form. I want to be in His will, in His heart, to do His will, to let His will be done. Think of it! To know that He can put me down to bring me up, take me out to put me in, let me come apart to remake me, and all of this is His perfect working. His will is nothing that I ever thought it to be. My weakness is a magnet for His strength, His perfection loving my imperfection.

To think He invites us to participate with Him in His will! We gladly participate. In His will nothing is going wrong, but it all is working toward the revelation of His glory. “Father, let Your will be done in my life.” 

One of my favorite words is “focus.”  Concentration on the main thing(s), paying particularly close attention, getting into the zone…all these are basically the same as “focus.”  Anyone who is good at what they do, accomplishes much, is one step ahead of the crowd…they know HOW to “focus,” they know how important it IS to “focus.”  God has taught us this: “Fixing our eyes on Jesus…”  That’s focus !!!  With “fixing our eyes on Jesus,” we understand that our focus is on His connection to our Heavenly Father so that we know “God’s will is the revelation of the heart and mind of God.”  The mind of Christ in us as Christians, gives us this ability!  Amen.  Period.  It is not that which the church argues about, seeks after, always strives to be “in.”  Michael makes it plain and clear what our focus must be on, and what it gives us.  Well, amen!

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point               Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                    936-559-5696

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 269 - The Gift of Trials

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 6

Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

Before we met Michael Wells for the first time, a friend gave us his book, Sidetracked In The Wilderness, to read and prep for the retreat we would attend.  And then Michael greeted us with this question:  “How do problems affect you?”  Before the weekend was over, our perspective on “problems” was changed.  In Day 269, Michael gives us a look at HOW “the proof of our faith…may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”  AMEN!

Day 269

The Gift Of Trials

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. –I Peter 1:6 & 7

In a need-related Gospel there can seem to be the promise that if we come to Christ, our whole life will become so wonderful; we will have a perfect marriage, a better job, and a new-model car. Also, faith, like some magic formula, will zap away all of our problems, trials, and difficulties. If people come to Christ expecting those emphases to accompany the Gospel, as soon as the anticipations do not materialize and persecution and trouble come, young faith has no roots and withers away. Sometimes people in this instant age get locked into the “Immediate Success Syndrome” and expect faith to propel them to some type of utopia wherein Christians are immune from the pressure, problems, and hardships of life that are common to all. Some proponents of this style of “faith” teaching would instruct Paul to wash his mouth out because he gives such graphic detail of what life was like for him. In the paraphrased version of II Corinthians, Chapters 11 & 12, read what he says:
            I have been jailed more often than anyone
            Beaten up more times than I can count
            Flogged five times with the Jews’ thirty-nine lashes
            Beaten by Roman rods
            Pummeled by rocks
            Shipwrecked three times
            Endangered in the city, the country
            Betrayed by those who were my friends
            I went without, hungry and cold
Then he receives wonderful revelation from God like no other, saying he was given a gift of handicap to keep from getting a big head. Following all of these happenings in his life, he goes on to say that Satan did his best to get him down, but what the enemy did, in fact, was to push him to his knees, further into Christ. He revealed that at first he did not recognize it as a gift and asked God three times to get rid of it, but God said, “My grace is all you need; My strength comes into its own in your weakness.” Once Paul heard that, he was glad for what happened, quit focusing on the handicap, and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on Paul’s weakness; the weaker Paul became, the stronger became Christ. 
Can any of us honestly say that we would call our trials, problems, or circumstances “gifts” that we appreciate? Perhaps it has been easier to see the hand of God in them in retrospect, but like Paul, we know that they sure did not seem like gifts at the time. We must learn that one “Hallelujah” before and during the event is better than ten afterwards. Life is not what we make it, as we often hear said, because if it were, we would make it a whole lot different, especially when it comes to putting comfort in our center. Life comes to us without our acting or even asking; it just meets us every morning when we awaken. Life’s storms come, and no one is exempt or necessarily to blame, but when they do, we should interpret the trials in God’s light and cause them to serve us as they did Paul. We try to get rid of what we see as negatives in our life; we complain, we whine, and we blame others, none of which, of course, change a thing. Perhaps we do what Paul did and pray for God to remove them, or we go out in a special prayer line to try to find a magic formula to be free. 
Paul said Satan tried to get him down but only succeeded in getting him on his knees. Even those things that Satan has designed for our destruction will, in the hand of God, work together for good. We all have these trials; as John says, they are common to the brotherhood all over the world. We have difficulties, disappointments, friends who betray us, and all the other difficulties associated with life, but once we have the revelation of God’s methods, we quit focusing on the problem or handicap and begin appreciating the gift. The wrapping on the gift may seem very unattractive and unacceptable, but as it squeezes us, we find the treasure of the life of Christ within. If we can see that the negatives in life are actually gifts, then we can embrace and appreciate them with the knowledge of God’s grace; that is, the desire and power God gives to help us respond to every life situation according to His will. It is not what happens to us in life that matters, but what we do with what happens. Rather than asking God to change our circumstances; we can recognize that He sent those circumstances to change us. Real ministry is birthed out of our negatives. David said, “I was enlarged in my distress.” Remember, our weakness is not our problem but our qualification; the weaker we get, the stronger He becomes. Like Paul, we must see the revelation that weakness is a gift and then not only stop focusing on the weakness but appreciate it and allow it to turn us to Christ. So instead of asking God to help us with our problems, our problems are helping us with God. They can actually turn us around 180 degrees to where Jesus once again becomes our focus.

“Various trials”…sounds innocent, doesn’t it?  Yet, which one of us loves the trials life brings our way???  In fact, we would eliminate all trials if we had control over life.  So, what do we do with these trials?  Best answer I’ve found is this: “recognize God sends these circumstances to change us, and to turn us to Him.”  Makes life easy, doesn’t it?!?  (unless we don’t like to change…)

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point               Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                   936-559-5696

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 39 - Choose Today!

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries                         LMCM
Nacogdoches, Texas                                                           Gal. 2:20  KJV

Thoughts on Michael Wells’ teachings in My Weakness for His Strength - # 5

Michael’s book is available through:

Abiding Life Ministries International
Littleton, Colorado
(303) 972-0859

God has told us, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”  Wow!  How simple could it be?!?  What else could we possibly want to know than TRUTH?  And yet…the “church” has somehow deviated from foundational truths and grasped at all sorts of substitutes (“sedatives”) in an effort to avoid choosing the “things” that only truth can give.  Sit down and put on your seatbelt as you read Michael’s pointed message regarding “choices” in the whole scheme of things in Christianity.  It will change a lot of people’s thoughts on how the “victory” is enjoyed…

p.s.  since almost every sentence contains a “VIP,” I have decided to not highlight anything this week.  Make your own choices as to your most important points for you!

DAY 39

Choose Today!

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants. --Deuteronomy 30:19

What must I do that God will not do for me? I must choose. It is amazing that we believers want discipleship, communication, understanding, counseling, church, youth groups, reason, manipulation, protection, and Jesus to do for a person what only choice can do. It took years for me to come to the place where I could believe it, but now time has rendered its verdict and the argument is settled: Not even wisdom can override choice; people must choose. The problem is that people return to the place they never really left, and too often they have never chosen. We can tell when the alcoholic has really chosen, for choice is not made in the bar but before he gets there, and he stops going. Similarly, we can tell when the struggling homosexual has chosen. His choice is not made at the meeting places but before, and he does not go to them. It is easy to spot one who has moved out of making judgments, for he does not back out in the middle of the conversation but refuses ever to enter in. Choice is something no one can make for someone else! As the Bible says, we are free. We have a new lineage, the Bible says. We are not slaves to sin, the Bible directs. However, one must choose to live in the light of these truths or they will never become real to him. I believe less and less in the “Christian struggle.” Sin does not reign over us to make us struggle. The struggle is not with sin but with choice. In our pride we still believe that sin is holding something for us, and we refuse to choose truth. This creates a vacuum, and a lie fills the void. There are many idols/coping mechanisms that we are carrying in our bags to cover up our responsibility to make choice. We use the ugly past, hurtful events, and rude statements to justify the hidden fact that we are refusing to choose. Not making a choice will keep us immature. At an early age we decide either to face life head on and mature or find a sedative to get us through. Obvious sedatives are drugs, alcohol, and sex, but there are many others that are even more insidious for their comparatively covert nature, such as withdrawal, blame giving, depression, sports, titles, competitiveness, and even computers; I have heard more than one wife complain that her husband appears to be addicted to video games. When the pressure is on, any of those things might be picked up to keep the mind off the problems, but by doing so the person remains in bondage. Therein lies the problem that when any such sedative is finally laid aside, the person engaged in it discovers he is at the same emotional age as when he picked it up. Many times a woman has discovered that once her alcoholic husband sobered up, he went around acting as though he were thirteen. She begins to wonder if it were not better to have him passed out in a chair. In short, we are given the directive to “put aside childish things,” and this will take choice.

How many Christians live by the great truth: “What must I do that God will not do for me?  I must CHOOSE.”  Far too many live in bondage to the “sedatives” picked up to keep their minds off their problems.

In one of the greatest moments in Israel’s history, Joshua cried out to the people to “choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  CHOOSE.

If it wasn’t so sad, it would be funny: “sedatives” are CHOSEN in place of LIFE.  We either choose LIFE, or we choose DEATH.  God makes that clear and plain.  Why do we make the wrong choice so often?

Yellow – VIP, Very Important Point               Red – GP, Greatest Promises
Turquoise – UR, Unfathomable Riches           Pink – PV, Priceless Victory

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P. O. Box 633244    Nacogdoches, Tx 75963                                    936-559-5696